"The Good, the Bad & the Ugly" Custom Figure Project

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Johnny Ringo! That's right. Damn, I wish Michael Biehn got more accolades for his acting... Kyle Reese, Lt. Coffey, Johnny Ringo - Fantastic roles!!!

Coffey was probably his best bad guy role to date, with Johnny Ringo a close second. The novelization of The Abyss provided some interesting background about Coffey's life and the events of his troubled youth that motivated him to become a SEAL, which was partly responsible for his extreme paranoia and what made him come unglued from the pressure sickness in the end. MB sure did a great job of coming "unglued" in that movie! In Tombstone he was just plain nasty!

One of my favorite lines of his from The Abyss was, "Sniff somethin'? Did ya, rat boy?"

Okay, to stay on topic, I finally got my copy of The Good, the Bad and the Ugly on Blu-ray!!! The difference in picture quality over all previous versions of video and DVDs I've owned is beyond description. I spent half the day watching and re-watching all my favorite parts yesterday. Here are a few of pics I snapped with my aging camera of Tuco and Blondie together. They're out of focus, but you can clearly see the difference in height between the two!

Tuco's standing in a slight depression here, but he's still at least a half a head shorter than Blondie.


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admonish people? i suggest you take a further reading. your entrophy chicken is the one who repeatedly casts people's opinions aside. he constantly says their ideas are not something that he would even consider buying... is that not competitive? btw look a few pages back im all for the gbu variants in fact im all for anything but I simply cant stand entrophy's disregard for other people's opinions... he does this all over this thread and he was doing the same thing on rainman's thread. so take a hike

So if someone has a different opinion then they are disregarding and throwing away someone else's opinion? :lol I just disagree about wanting to buy Once Upon a Time in the West figures or Rainman remaking Blondie just because you missed out. Quite often I agree with the opinions posted, sometimes I don't. It is ok to have different tastes and ideas ya know, and your response is to call names, generally act pissy, immature, entitled and childish.

i rarely find someone who's attitude and posts i find continuously obnoxious and combative. but i think i find that in you. i'm sure many other people are thinking it, but don't say it. it's incredible how you contradict yourself in this post. you admonish people for wanting GBU variants, but blondie is on your list, coz YOU missed one. interesting (and selfish) logic there.

You are exactly right, eighthsamurai, obnoxious and combative. His stink began with his lies and ugliness to Reinhardt in this thread. I agreed with Reinhardt about GatackFC's rotten attitude and petty PMs to him about the trade gone sour and GatackFC then began attacking us both. He shows himself be a grumpy jerk and everyone who reads his posts knows it. It's quite pathetic actually. :rolleyes:

But let's not derail the thread with his silliness. Lets go back to discussing GBU & western figs and ignoring this baby with the soiled diaper. He just wants attention so let's not indulge him, ok? :duff
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You see, there are two kinds of people in the world, my friend: obnoxious and rude SSF members and SSF members who use their ignore list to full effect.

So if someone has a different opinion then they are disregarding and throwing away someone else's opinion? :lol I just disagree about wanting to buy Once Upon a Time in the West figures or Rainman remaking Blondie just because you missed out. Quite often I agree with the opinions posted, sometimes I don't. It is ok to have different tastes and ideas ya know, and your response is to call names, generally act pissy, immature, entitled and childish.

You are exactly right, eighthsamurai, obnoxious and combative. His stink began with his lies and ugliness to Reinhardt in this thread. I agreed with Reinhardt about GatackFC's rotten attitude and petty PMs to him about the trade gone sour and GatackFC then began attacking us both. He shows himself be a grumpy jerk and everyone who reads his posts knows it. It's quite pathetic actually. :rolleyes:

But let's not derail the thread with his silliness. Lets go back to discussing GBU & western figs and ignoring this baby with the soiled diaper. He just wants attention so let's not indulge him, ok? :duff

Thats great stuff, you're a true piece of work. The issude Reindhart and I have been settled and it's none of your concern. This isn't a political campaign you don't need to dig up dirt in the past just help yourself but if you insist okay I'll play that card too since you keep saying I'm combative.

Not only are you arrogant you don't even know what you're talking about half the time. You put out this image like your opinions are greater than everyone elses as if the whole community should take suit after you or they have no taste at all. Prime example being that you are the only person who starts off a post stating that you wouldn't buy the above posters choice of wants because it's not worth your money or it isn't definitive enough for your taste. When Josh suggested the Will Turner Truetype w/ neck in the Rainman thread you immediately called it garbage. You then said the Goemon neck is better and less giraffe like.... but little did you know HT only has one neck sculpt thus the Goemon and Turner neck are identical parts when I explained this you still insisted that you were correct.

Speaking of petty, you seem to enjoy following me around this forum to get a rise out of me. I thought that Rainman wouldn't select Durden as a project because Zuno stated his choice or work are limited to figures that aren't made in the past by other Korean artists. When the announcement was made you immediatly quoted my statement to mock me. You even tried your best to turn my willingness to provide screencaps for the Tyler Durden project as a negativity... why...?

I definitely don't want attention you're just an eyesore.

baby... diapers...
says the guy who cries whenever something someone suggests something else that isn't identical to his needs. Maybe you should change your name to facist douche.
Prime example being that you are the only person who starts off a post stating that you wouldn't buy the above posters choice of wants because it's not worth your money or it isn't definitive enough for your taste.

Atleast Entropy disagrees with ones opinion with a lot more tact than you...

crouchig tiger...? that movie was joke for both the eastern and western audiences.

Really? A joke? Your posts always come off like you believe your opinion is fact. Guess what bud? Opinions are relative :duh:lol
as Snake Eater said, there's an ignore feature, drama queen, if you can't handle someone having a different opinion. :lol Yet you somehow take a differing opinion as a personal affront or competition and your rep as an ahole continues. As I stated, this all sprung from some absurd personal vendetta because Reinhardt and I said we did not want Rainman to remake the same version of Blondie. Again, you should just take a deep breath, lighten up, and develop some maturity. :duff
Atleast Entropy disagrees with ones opinion with a lot more tact than you...

is that factual or just your opinion?

for the record crouching tiger sucks the big one

oh and I'm sorry mudshark for derailing your thread once again although my opinion is that I'm not at fault here.

as Snake Eater said, there's an ignore feature, drama queen, if you can't handle someone having a different opinion. :lol Yet you somehow take a differing opinion as a personal affront or competition and your rep as an ahole continues. As I stated, this all sprung from some absurd personal vendetta because Reinhardt and I said we did not want Rainman to remake the same version of Blondie. Again, you should just take a deep breath, lighten up, and develop some maturity. :duff
actually i've forgotten about that yet you keep bringing up so you must have a vendetta against me. if it's any consulation to you once again the business between Reinhardt and I are settled.
is that factual or just your opinion

Well if we define tact: a keen sense of what to say or do to avoid giving offense, and look at the number of instances where Entropys method of disagreeing has actually lead to offend a variety of parties vs you and well, the proof is in the pudding :gun
Tombstone is an amazing movie, I love Kilmer's acting, and both Russell and Biehn have great characters as well.
Another western I love is The Long Riders!

And what? no love for Ford and James?

BTW, maybe this thread should be re-named?
Tombstone is an amazing movie, I love Kilmer's acting, and both Russell and Biehn have great characters as well.
Another western I love is The Long Riders!

And what? no love for Ford and James?

BTW, maybe this thread should be re-named?

"i'm your huckleberry". man what an awesome line. the film was chock full of them. some i use on a daily basis e.g. "you called down the thunder, well now you got it!!" one of favourite films, and would love to one day see at least the main guys from this. but actually, this would be a line i'd take any and all figs from. so many great actors were in this it's crazy to think - billy zane, stephen lang, powers boothe, billy bob thornton, thomas haden church, (jason priestley :lol).

i think i need to revisit once upon a time in the west. i love westerns and i didn't really enjoy this the first time i watched it. perhaps it needs a second viewing. apart from dead man, magnificent seven would make for some cool looking figs i think. even 3:10 to yuma. then of course, pretty much anything eastwood was in. would love an older one - perhaps from unforgiven.

i actually watched "the good, the bad, the weird" recently and quite liked it despite many mediocre reviews. the character designs were quit funky, and the action scenes were top notch. another film i wouldn't mind seeing figures from.
I have the good the bad and the weird but due to time comstraints at home I've been putting off to see it. How much of GBU is attributed to GBW?

I'm kinda surprised no one mention anything about Django
is that factual or just your opinion?

for the record crouching tiger sucks the big one

oh and I'm sorry mudshark for derailing your thread once again although my opinion is that I'm not at fault here.

actually i've forgotten about that yet you keep bringing up so you must have a vendetta against me. if it's any consulation to you once again the business between Reinhardt and I are settled.

Let me make it very clear to everyone that I do not consider this "my thread". Even though I sometimes attempt to keep things from getting too far off topic by posting a suggestion, this thread exists for any members of the Freaks board interested in this subject, period. I am not a moderator, although I do apparently have the option to close or delete this thread in my thread tool bar for some reason.

I have no problem with people disagreeing with each other, when there's some useful point to it all (in my opinion), but when it starts to get nasty it only makes me think about closing this thread. I really don't want to do that, though, 'cause I think there are still people who are interested in this subject and enjoy posting here.

For what it's worth, I come here to exchange ideas and enjoy the hobby, not to pick fights with people. When I find argumentative remarks made by others that rub me the wrong way, I usually just let them pass and keep my opinions to myself. I prefer to make friends here rather than enemies, and this board, at least to me, is a place I come to get away from all the BS I have to deal with day in and day out in my daily life, not to find more of the same. Just my two cents.
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Tombstone is an amazing movie, I love Kilmer's acting, and both Russell and Biehn have great characters as well.
Another western I love is The Long Riders!

And what? no love for Ford and James?

BTW, maybe this thread should be re-named?

"i'm your huckleberry". man what an awesome line. the film was chock full of them. some i use on a daily basis e.g. "you called down the thunder, well now you got it!!" one of favourite films, and would love to one day see at least the main guys from this. but actually, this would be a line i'd take any and all figs from. so many great actors were in this it's crazy to think - billy zane, stephen lang, powers boothe, billy bob thornton, thomas haden church, (jason priestley :lol).

i think i need to revisit once upon a time in the west. i love westerns and i didn't really enjoy this the first time i watched it. perhaps it needs a second viewing. apart from dead man, magnificent seven would make for some cool looking figs i think. even 3:10 to yuma. then of course, pretty much anything eastwood was in. would love an older one - perhaps from unforgiven.

I think Tombstone was one of the best Westerns ever made, and not only because of the story and the great acting in it. It was also one of very few films of past times where the dialog was done with real care, unlike so many that are full of modern idioms and expressions, like they tend to be all too often these days. It's attention to detail like that which set Tombstone above a lot of other very good films set in past times, imo. Doc had some of the best lines in the film, but I loved Wyatt's, "Jerk that smoke wagon and go to work!", instead of just "Draw!", or worse, "Go for it!" lol Can't wait to have that one on Blu-ray!

EDIT: After doing some checking I discovered that Tombstone was not without some historical inaccuracies, although the majority of them really don't detract from the story that much. One big goof though, was the depiction of the game of faro, which was the game of choice back in the day. Since most people probably aren't familiar with the game nowadays, it went unnoticed for the most part. Anyway, here's a link I found if anyone's interested: https://www.bcvc.net/faro/index.htm

As far as renaming the thread goes, I'm not sure we've completely exhausted the potential for more figures from this movie yet. As far as I know, not everyone who originally showed interest has gotten the figures or costumes they wanted, so I'd vote to keep the thread open for a while longer and see what may still be out there on the horizon.

Velvet Morning is still working on his version of Blondie, and Rainman may yet return with more good stuff from this film, too (hopefully).:D
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For what it's worth, I come here to exchange ideas and enjoy the hobby, not to pick fights with people. When I find argumentative remarks made by others that rub me the wrong way, I usually just let them pass and keep my opinions to myself. I prefer to make friends here rather than enemies, and this board, at least to me, is a place I come to get away from all the BS I have to deal with day in and day out in my daily life, not to find more of the same. Just my two cents.

Very well said
This thread has cooled off faster than Angel Eyes' lifeless body the past few days... what's going on guys? :dunno

Can't speak for anyone else, but I'm not ready to throw in my hat just yet. I hope we can get back to the figures we love and leave the bad blood behind, where it belongs. :monkey1 :monkey3

2009 was a very good year for many of us, (cough) figuratively speaking (cough), and I have Tuco standing here in front of me as a constant reminder. And some of you now own all three gunmen, ya lucky bastids! :banana

Anyway, the new year is just around the corner, so I hope we can end this year on a positive note and keep looking forward to some more amazing GBU/Western goodness in 2010. :peace
some of you own 4!!!! you luckier bastards! :lol

How many of you would be able to afford one complete Rainman figure for each month ?

I'm looking forward to VM to complete his project. Hope he offers separate headsculpts for sale.

I have the Tuco clothing set and head as well as a painted Angel eyes head.

Been kitbashing the trio using Frontline heads, Stevo hats, guns and rigs, Amy's (AJ Clothiers) clothes as well as Battlegear toys and Mini Barbie' odds and ends

Also looking forward to Alex Lopez headsculpts

keep the thread alive
