"The Good, the Bad & the Ugly" Custom Figure Project

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Mudshark, and if he is reading.....
one of the guys here has kindly offered to send to him, to pay him I would be more than happy to pay as he likes.
thanks for the advise though mate!!
Mudshark, and if he is reading.....
one of the guys here has kindly offered to send to him, to pay him I would be more than happy to pay as he likes.
thanks for the advise though mate!!

Okay, well in that case, best of luck to you!

(Btw, you're, uh, not after Angel Eyes by any chance... are you?) :wink1:
Marcel, what is it that you're trying to get? I think you just need another 3 posts in order to unlock the commerce section (50 total). Don't know if that's gonna help much though... I think Studio49's only shipping within the continental USA. The money order only thing isn't going to make it any easier either. I've been trying to make a deal for Angel Eyes, but not having much luck so far...

Yeh, I was trying for Blondie, but was not flexible enough. :( :(
lol , no mate just the tuco!!!
otherwise you would remove that friend request right????:rotfl

Nahhh! I still want one of those badass dropdown eyepieces when you're ready to start taking orders again!!! :lol

Congrats on getting that Tuco set (assuming it was you who got it). Tuco is a Rainman masterpiece, probably the best figure he's made to date! :D

he still has it but wont sell through paypal. only money order.... in this day and age who uses money order? especially for something thats probably over 700 dollars...

The thing about money orders is they don't cost you a thing to deposit them in your account, unlike PayPal. I very seldom use MO's anymore, though.
I really wouldn't have a problem paying by money order if I were back in the states. I'd have to send an international MO from where I am at the moment, and the commission fees that banks charge here are ridiculous. :cuckoo:

Well, if he wants to hold out till he gets just what he wants, then so be it. And if I can't find one of Rainman's Angel Eyes sets somewhere, then hopefully Scott will eventually make him, which would be awesome.
Hey guys,

After reading some of the comments here, I think I feel like replying. I am not directing this at any of you individually, I am talking in generalities.

Someone asked "who uses money orders in this day and age?" I will tell you who. Someone who is tired of losing as much as $30 in fees every time I want to sell something. If this recession has taught me anything it's that money should not be taken for granted. I am in between jobs right now, and every dollar I can save goes toward keeping me in this hobby.

Not only that, but how many of you have been screwed by someone trying to scam you using Paypal? Ever shipped an item with full insurance and had the buyer claim the item was damaged and that you needed to give them a discount, even though the item was insured? Ever had someone complain about shipping charges after they get the item when they knew in advance shipping would cost a certain amount? Ever had someone overseas beg you to ship an item they just had to have, only to turn around and file a paypal claim for some bogus crap and get a full refund from paypal?

I have. All of these things happened to me in the few years I used paypal. Why should I have to take the risk on something as rare and irreplaceable as Rainman figure sets?

I refuse to have a paypal account. I think they suck in the worst way, and I will not give them one more cent than I absolutely have to. I have had it. Done for good. Paypal sucks, and you can live without it. It is possible to transact business online without using it.

I am to the point now where there are several custom figure artists who only accept paypal and I don't know if I will be able to buy as many custom head sculpts as I used to. Now, I am grudgingly accepting paypal payments for my custom figure clothes that I am making. But I use a third party merchant processor without actually having a paypal account myself. And so many people complained about me not offering paypal that I finally folded and got the merchant account, but in the future it will add about $3-$5 to the cost of every item I sell.

I hope this makes sense. I am sorry I couldn't be more flexible for you overseas buyers. I think everyone in this thread who said they had a problem dealing with me is outside of the United States. I specifically said in my thread that I don't do business outside of the U.S. and you still contacted me. Now it sounds like your frustrated that I couldn't sell to you. :) I am more than willing to try to be flexible on a $45 item. When it comes to a $500 Rainman figure, frankly, I don't feel like taking any risks.
I have always felt safe using Paypal. :dunno

Of course I haven't done much selling. As a buyer, it has always worked well for me though.
That's great for you. I don't feel Paypal is a safe method of accepting payment. They aren't a bank, so they don't have to play by anyone's rules but their own.

I am not trying to say that anyone here is a scam artist either. It does happen, but I think the guys in this thread are stand up people. However, I don't accept paypal and that makes it nearly impossible for me to deal with people outside the U.S. So I specifically labeled my sales as U.S. only. That's my right. I think there are some very frustrated Rainman fans in this thread who live outside the U.S. and are mad that I can't be more flexible but it's not like I didn't try. I gave Snake Eater three days to try to find alternate payment possibilities and it didn't work out for us.

Now some French guy posts in my sales thread that he is glad he didn't buy my Tyler Durden clothing set because I didn't contact him about buying my Rainman figures. Like I must be unfair right? I have always been way more than fair to everyone I have done business with on this board. I sell my stuff for way less than what I could get on eBay. Just ask the three guys who bought my Pirates of the Caribbean figures for the original price I paid. Those figures have been selling for insane amounts on eBay. Do you honestly think if I took these Rainman figure sets to eBay that I would only get $500 for them? I seriously doubt it.

I guess I am just tired, and a little cranky. But this kind of thing pisses me off.
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I agree with you Studio49. Paypal is a scam, unless it's on an eBay purchase their protection is very limited as well, to either side... a shady policy to make people use eBay and pay double fees.

But if you've ever been promised a check or money order in the mail for your item sight-unseen it makes you suspicious too right? What the heck are we supposed to do? Small trading communities like this are great but far from perfect. The best peer to peer trade sites eventually get bought by eBay too. Anyways good luck to you! I really came in to admire Tuco then caught the tail end of this thing.
Here's my paintup of velvet morning's Clint:


It's a great sculpt, but those tiny eyes where quite a challenge to paint. Now I need to get the clothes together - so far I have the shirt and vest. Any idea where I could get some boots for him?

Awesome job. This paint up makes me think of The Dark Towers Roland...who was based on The Man With No Name. It resembles one of the painters style in one of the books (each of the 7 books had illustrations by different artists).
Studio 49 thank you for pm ing me, and too bad the tuco sold.....for me.lol

As far as paypal goes , i totally agree and respect your decision, and if everyone thought like you ,paypal would go broke.....

I completely understand your situation and fear of Paypal Studio49 and it is completely your prerogative to sell how you like, and at those great prices too.

It was just frustrating to see something I had been looking for for ages and the thrill of being first to contact you about it. Then stating my 100% feedback from many respected here and perfect eBay rating and willing to eat whatever Paypal charges were incurred and not being able to work anything out. :monkey2

But, hell, it's just a toy at the end of the day. Will save my cash for something else.

just read the comment about the eyepiece.... you are most welcome to one , i have pmd you.
I did not get the Tuco , someone else did:gah:
But if they are willing to sell it, then please by all means let me know.
Now some French guy posts in my sales thread that he is glad he didn't buy my Tyler Durden clothing set because I didn't contact him about buying my Rainman figures. Like I must be unfair right? I have always been way more than fair to everyone I have done business with on this board. I sell my stuff for way less than what I could get on eBay. Just ask the three guys who bought my Pirates of the Caribbean figures for the original price I paid. Those figures have been selling for insane amounts on eBay. Do you honestly think if I took these Rainman figure sets to eBay that I would only get $500 for them? I seriously doubt it.

I guess I am just tired, and a little cranky. But this kind of thing pisses me off.

You seem so arrogant here ... I didn't complain about anything but the fact you didn't even take the time to answer me (while you seem to have enough time to justify yourself) ... I don't think that would have hurt you.

I couldn't care less about your explanation. No one asked you to justify anything. You think you could get more than $500 for each set ? so you're a great guy and I'm just "some (annoying) french guy" ... great for you if you have your own way of doing business, mine is at least to reply and to be polite.