"The Good, the Bad & the Ugly" Custom Figure Project

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You seem so arrogant here ... I didn't complain about anything but the fact you didn't even take the time to answer me (while you seem to have enough time to justify yourself) ... I don't think that would have hurt you.

I couldn't care less about your explanation. No one asked you to justify anything. You think you could get more than $500 for each set ? so you're a great guy and I'm just "some (annoying) french guy" ... great for you if you have your own way of doing business, mine is at least to reply and to be polite.

Don't bother contacting me in the future about purchasing anything I sell. Instead of sending me a second P.M. asking if I had mistakenly missed replying to your message, which I did, you posted a thinly veiled attack on my credibility. How is that being polite again? And yes, you really are an annoying French guy.
Well I take it as a compliment from you. Don't worry I will never contact you again about anything. I'm just saying but I have been surprised to receive several pm's about you. You really made some people lose their time.

And instead of making any apology you pretend it is my fault not to have contact you again... How could I know you wouldn't answer ? I had to wait you updated your topic... I don't think you will earn credibility with your way of doing things. Adieu !
Well I take it as a compliment from you. Don't worry I will never contact you again about anything. I'm just saying but I have been surprised to receive several pm's about you. You really made some people lose their time.

And instead of making any apology you pretend it is my fault not to have contact you again... How could I know you wouldn't answer ? I had to wait you updated your topic... I don't think you will earn credibility with your way of doing things. Adieu !

Face it, you are pissed off because you think somehow I skipped over you in selling the Rainman figure. I was never going to sell it to you, but that doesn't matter. You were the 8th person or so to contact me about it. You weren't even in the running.

I want everyone who is frustrated to think about something. I posted the sale CLEARLY MARKED "No international sales." The fact that most of the people who contacted me were outside the U.S. and are now frustrated that they couldn't buy the action figure is not my fault. I really find the whole situation ridiculous. All the figures are sold, so any future complaints about me can go directly via P.M. to Darthy who is apparently keeping a running tab of what other forum members think about me. :)

I would say adieu, but that sounds so.......french.
Man , I would be scared to put Rainman figures up for sale!!!!:rotfl

I would certainly think twice before posting a sale in this thread, anyway! :lol Normally it would seem like a pretty good idea, but with so few of these particular figures or clothing sets available, the demand is obviously extremely high.

Taking nothing away from the beautiful customs people have offered in this thread, I still wish a company like Hot Toys would make these figures so there'd be enough to go around, and at prices that don't require selling a kidney to own. It could still happen one of these days.
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totally agree mate, although if hot toys made them then we would not be that interested in them nor we would have such entertaining posts!!!:rotfl
I mean not to insult anyone , just bringing out the funny side of things!!
This thread has definitely taken a turn for the interesting!

Congrats to those that are receiving Studio's figures. Awesome prices indeed.
Wow talk about hostility. Studio49 I have no beef with you. Yes I did see that you have no international sales in your thread but when I pm'd you I had made it clear that I was not in the states but you replied anyways. Paypal may be out of the question for you at the moment but I'm definitely open for M/O payments but you haven't replied to any of my messages after I mentioned Paypal. It's as if that word is Taboo to you if it is than I apoligize. I've never had the problems you had so I won't judge you. BTW I CAN send my payment to you as a gift that way you don't RISK getting a claim filed.... maybe you didn't know that. and when you send payments as a gift with paypal there is no percentage charges either.... once again maybe you didn't know that. I'm just going for convience thats all if you insist on doing Money Order I would go out of my way to send it cause I want Blondie that bad lol....
and when you send payments as a gift with paypal there is no percentage charges either.... once again maybe you didn't know that.

i think either there's something wrong with my paypal account or paypal changed their rules for certain types of accounts, or it could be a UK thing .... but when i try and send a gift through paypal, there's still a percentage charge but it gives me the option to pay it instead of the person receiving the money. is this right? are people getting away without any % fees at all? if so, tell me HOW! :lol
You are correct, Paypal gives you the option of paying the fee or having the other person pay. They are in business to make money and they in no way would provide an option for money to change hands without them taking a cut.
You are correct, Paypal gives you the option of paying the fee or having the other person pay. They are in business to make money and they in no way would provide an option for money to change hands without them taking a cut.

i thought so. but i do vaguely remember a time when there actually were no fees with gift transactions. maybe i'm imagining it. or maybe they stopped exactly because they realised they were losing money.
i thought so. but i do vaguely remember a time when there actually were no fees with gift transactions. maybe i'm imagining it. or maybe they stopped exactly because they realised they were losing money.

If you have funds in your paypal, you have the options of no additional charges be it to you or the receiver (sometimes they might charge $1 or 2).

But if you use a CREDIT CARD, then the 3.5% fee still apply, regardless you send it as gift, payment owed etc.
Welcome to "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" Custom Figure Interest Thread!

If you are interested in owning figures of these iconic characters from the Sergio Leone classic, then this thread is for you. Please be aware that this is only an interest thread, and not a commission or commerce thread. So if you're interested in a full custom figure or specific pieces of costume, please let me know and I'll gladly add your name to the list.

Also, please understand that I am not personally involved in making or offering custom figures. However, there have been a number of extremely talented figure customizers on the board who have responded to this thread, and produced some truly outstanding full figure customs, costume sets, head sculpts, and individual pieces of costume for us over the past year or so. Most of the custom pieces offered thus far have been in extremely limited numbers, so if you check in from time to time, you'll increase your chances of knowing when something new is available, and how to go about contacting the artist for all the details. Best of luck, and thanks for your interest!

People Interested in FULL CUSTOM FIGURES:

* phoenixram1977
* fistfulmetal
* herzograven
* MwNN
* Reinhardt
* Badism
* madmaninsane
* Mudshark (velvet morning's custom MwNN)

* fistfulmetal
* herzograven
* MwNN
* Reinhardt
* Badism
* madmaninsane
* Mudshark

* TUCO *
* fistfulmetal
* herzograven
* MwNN
* Reinhardt
* Badism
* Mudshark (Rainman's custom Tuco)


Accurate Olive Green Blondie Poncho / Sheepskin Vest: (Bernard2002)
* toyadventurer
* MwNN
* fistfulmetal
* Mudshark (Rainman's Blondie clothing set)
* Lord Vicious
* Punchy
* Entropy Chicken
* LordAzrael
* Badism
* collector49
* SithKnite (poncho)
* JeffTVR
* Mookeylama
* menlojames

Accurate Striped Blondie Shirts: (Lord Vicious - BillyB)

Note: Names in blue denote those who have confirmed they are still interested and are ready to close the deal for their Blondie shirts soon.

* Lord Vicious
* Rugby1970
* Mudshark
* toyadventurer
* Punchy
* fistfulmetal
* MwNN
* Les Walker
* Entropy Chicken
* LordAzrael
* Bluetooth
* Badism
* collector49
* JeffTVR
* Mookeylama

hi can you add to the list for blondie please ?? or am i too late ?
A little OT but its Eastwood so - is anyone else watching the Munny figure auction on ebay?

Yes, it's up to $670 right now. :rotfl You could throw one together easy for less than $75. Nothing rare or unique about it. Don't get me wrong..it's a nice figure but not $670 nice.

Hero heads head and hat, Sideshow body, Dragon Hank coat, died shirt, johnny west altered gunbelt. I guess taking good pitchers goes a long way.
