"The Good, the Bad & the Ugly" Custom Figure Project

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"You see in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend. Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig."



Hi guys,

a few weeks ago I posted I was gonna try and make my own poncho. For this I want to use the stencil method. Haven't tried yet and it looks like it's going to be nightmarish! Already took me three days to get the details right!

Still, for those who want to try it on their own, here's below a jpg image of the poncho. To make it (or try to make it!), you import it on a word document. It's already scaled. Then, you print it and cut out the black parts (that's what's tricky and might fail!) to use as a stencil either with a stencil brush or with an airbrush.

Hope it'll help some of you! :D

View attachment 26861
Does anyone here got a Rainman Blondie headsculpt painted they would be interested in selling?

Shoot me a PM if you do.

toylion You did a very nice bash... you should be proud to display that and this is coming from a Rainman owner.

i mist say the pants on Raiman's ive been looking to upgrade for awhile and those are perfect, where did u get them?
toylion You did a very nice bash... you should be proud to display that and this is coming from a Rainman owner.

i mist say the pants on Raiman's ive been looking to upgrade for awhile and those are perfect, where did u get them?

Thank you very much. i just wish I could paint the eyes better. But I'm very happy with it.
The pants were from a TTL: Men's Fasion Set. Got them loose from Toy Aniety but they're sold out. I've seen them on ebay though. I wasn't sure if they were going to work when I ordered them, but they were perfect. I'll see if I can find them and post a link.

I believe these are the pants. TTL: Men's Fasion Set C Don't know who else parts them out.

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I didn't know you painted the head yourself! You got skills man! Looks very neat.

And that Yamato poncho isn't that bad at all. Looks very nice on your figure!

Now where can I find the spurs?
Oh I actually have those pants! Did not realize the fit and density looks perfect. I think the pants are supposed to be blue though, Levis blue Jeans. The grail of jeans for this is the red jacket James Dean IMO but can't see myself breaking down to buy it just for the jeans and parting out the rest.
Oh I actually have those pants! Did not realize the fit and density looks perfect. I think the pants are supposed to be blue though, Levis blue Jeans. The grail of jeans for this is the red jacket James Dean IMO but can't see myself breaking down to buy it just for the jeans and parting out the rest.

Yes I know, but they look black on screen. I think somewhere in this long thread, someone said that they had dye a pair of blue jeans black for the Movie. And regular bue jeans just look to blue.
I didn't know you painted the head yourself! You got skills man! Looks very neat.

And that Yamato poncho isn't that bad at all. Looks very nice on your figure!

Now where can I find the spurs?

Thanks psung4ever, but if you notice I didn't post any photos where you can get a good look at his eyes :lol I just used Boots advice on pastels that's post over on the OSW. It's an older tutorial, but worked for me. Found it easier then trying to blend the paint. Just a flesh color base coat and pastel dust blended in with a brush. Make correcting mistakes easy. I posted it when I find it.

I pinned the Poncho down and then wet it and wrapped on a nude body till it dryed. It formed a lot better that way.

The spurs I got on ebay, thy're from DID Germen Officer boots. I just rplace the black strap with brown leather lace I picked up at Michaels Craft Store.
OK, I had copied and email it to myself.


Next is my basic flesh color laid down. I use Liquitex Acrylics. Mix equal amounts of Raw Sienna, Burnt Sienna, and a little bit of Cadmium Orange. Add Titanium White until you achieve the desired shade of flesh.

This next picture is the sculpt with the shading applied. I use pastels for this; you can buy them in any craft store. I use the stick type which I grind to a powder with sand paper, and apply them with a small brush. After applying them be sure to seal them with a light dusting of sealer such as Testors Dull Cote.

Next I add some color to the face again with pastels. The trick here is subtlety you don’t want to over do it here or it will look like your sculpt is wearing makeup. Be sure to seal it again.

This step is the eyes, Eyes are probably the most difficult step, yet well done eyes will really bring your sculpt to life.
I start by laying down the whites. You don’t want to use a pure white here. Real whites have a translucent kind of look I mix in a touch of gray as well as a bit of Raw Sienna.
When your whites are dry you want to start on the iris’s. I start by drawing them with a .05 mechanical pencil. This will allow the paint to flow into a nice circle.
Thin the paint by half for whatever color or using for the eyes.

You can also add some tear ducts with some thinned light red paint.
Add some shading to the top of the iris with some dark gray pastel. Seal it again paying close attention to the eyes, but don’t over do it.
Finally add some gloss to the eyes, I use Future Floor Finish. A six-dollar bottle will last years.

Last step is the hair. Lay down your base color, when its dry apply a darker wash to flow into the nooks and crannies. When that’s dry, dry brush some highlights, and your finished!

It's hard to see the color difference in the picture, but #1 is a reddish brown, #2 is a medium brown and #3 is light red.
I use #1 for deep shadows between the lips, around the nostrils etc... #2 is used for the lighter shadows, around the eyes etc... I use the red for the chin and nose. I also use orange very sparingly over the whole face to give some color. I wipe most of it off the brush.
I actually was able to find two pair of the Red Jacket James Dean blue jeans on Ebay. They are the closest I have seen so far compared to what Clint wears in the movie.
I was under the impression they were black Levi's. Like 501's in black denim. I remember seeing an interview of Eastwood saying he brought the "Levi's" with him but of course he could have just been generalizing ie Levi's = jeans. Guess the debate continues. I'll have to check out the bluray someday to see how the colors differ. I wonder, does the color of the poncho change on the bluray as well? :dunno
I really think they're black, since they say so!

Color variation often happen due to chemichal treatment and aging of the film.


well, Columbo's suit often looks brown when it is grey, Kirk's shirt was olive green, not gold, MwNN's poncho was green, not brown, and so on, so black jeans that look dark blue in some scenes aren't too far fetched!