Darth Cruel
Super Freak

jlcmsu said:I disagree. The only shot I've seen where it looks "off" is WG close up which is not a fair pic to really judge by because how many of us look at it that close.
From the far off shots he looks 2 be pretty good which in the end is how most people are gonna judge it. Aragorn isn't that bad either IMO. Could he be better? Sure but I don't think this line has had too many issues other than a lack of figures.
Darth Cruel said:I agree that they look good from a reasonable distance...but mine is even worse than WG's close up.
Edit - One of the things that it seems to me, is that both of these guys had goatees and a few day's growth in the movie...not full beards. Am I wrong?
Darth Cruel said:I agree that they look good from a reasonable distance...but mine is even worse than WG's close up.
Edit - One of the things that it seems to me, is that both of these guys had goatees and a few day's growth in the movie...not full beards. Am I wrong?
Wor-Gar said:If you're talking about those "naughty" pictures again, you are a sick man.
Darth Cruel said:brothers
jlcmsu said:I disagree. The only shot I've seen where it looks "off" is WG close up which is not a fair pic to really judge by because how many of us look at it that close.
From the far off shots he looks 2 be pretty good which in the end is how most people are gonna judge it. Aragorn isn't that bad either IMO. Could he be better? Sure but I don't think this line has had too many issues other than a lack of figures.
I'll be posing mine like this except hood upCaptain Faramir said:I'm sorry the quality is so terrible; I'm using my phone's camera, but when I get a hold of a real camera I'll get some better pictures. At least you can see how I last posed him.