The Great FARAMIR Image Thread!!!

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Although I am always stoked for any of the Sideshow Star Wars or LOTR figures. You guys on this thread have me nearly nuts with anticipation for this one. I am glad it is going to be here tomorrow (both of them) and I am going to be too busy to be thinking about it until it arrives.
Darth Cruel said:
Although I am always stoked for any of the Sideshow Star Wars or LOTR figures. You guys on this thread have me nearly nuts with anticipation for this one. I am glad it is going to be here tomorrow (both of them) and I am going to be too busy to be thinking about it until it arrives.

Looks like I've done my job a little too well. :rolleyes:
Captain, it was great to read your thoughts on this one!! I am extremely happy that you finally got such an anticipated figure.

:chew :chew :chew

(Hopefully, there will not be a major explosion of controversy over the materials, and you can enjoy your dream collectible in relative peace and harmony...)
I'm glad you finally got your baby Captain Faramir........ I'm surprised you're still with us and you didn't explode :D

I hope you can afford to get it repainted one day by one of the people on this forum, because... i guess if anyone... you deserve to have the perfect Faramir more than anyone :lol
Darren Carnall said:
I'm glad you finally got your baby Captain Faramir........ I'm surprised you're still with us and you didn't explode :D

I hope you can afford to get it repainted one day by one of the people on this forum, because... i guess if anyone... you deserve to have the perfect Faramir more than anyone :lol
:rock :rock :rock :rock :rock :rock
Darklord Dave said:
Sure there have only been 3 figures so far, but this is shaping up to be a great line. Too bad it takes so darn long in between!

Um..... Dave. There's 4 so far buddy :)

Aragorn, Legolas, Boromir & now Faramir

But I concur about the time between drinks being a bit too long. Hopefully that means something big is in the pipeline.
Kongrats Kaptain!!! You have been a friend to the Krusade and it pleases me to see that you have finally gotten you Faramir figure!!!!

May you enjoy your Faramir figure in what ever unspeakable ways that please you:D


I got my issues sorted out so all is well:D

Anyway, lets see some more pix!!
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King Darkness said:

Oh darn, how did you figure it out? :lol

Now that I've got him open, my thoughts:

The good Captain's review of Fairamir, was well, fair. The only thing I have to disagree with is the face paint. It is pretty bad. Aragorn and Fairamir should have switched beard paints applications. Faramirs isn't thick and looks more suitable for Aragorn. The face is also shiny, but I can except Fairamir is just sweaty. Overall, a greatly outfitted and accessorised figure with a good sculpt ruined by a poor paint job.

PS The sword belt needs to be an inch or two longer to be used like the pics on the box. Its just to short/tight/odd looking right now.

PPS Wow! We now officially have no more LotR figures on order! :eek:
Congratz Captain Faramir !!!!

I'm glad you got your long awaited figure !!!!
2 things I want to point out.

1) The bow is not nearly as tall as is taller.

2) The hole for the quiver is pre-cut.

Edit - Also...I am happy to say that Sideshow's abandonment of tape on the trays has carried over to Faramir. He has the notches molded in to the tray to keep it closed.

Unfortunately...they are still taping the display box closed.
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Well, at some point during the night my Faramir stopped "sweating" and has very little shine to his face now. His beard is still shiny though.

Does anyone here -- Captain? -- have any good images of Faramir so I can redress him film accurate?
I am certainly not regretting my decision to drop this line at the moment. Too bad there are no new LOTR figures to look forward to or discuss :monkey2

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