The Great FARAMIR Image Thread!!!

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Wor-Gar said:
Well, at some point during the night my Faramir stopped "sweating" and has very little shine to his face now. His beard is still shiny though.

Does anyone here -- Captain? -- have any good images of Faramir so I can redress him film accurate?

These are certainly not very good pics. I did a few screencaps of Faramir in this costume. Seems to me that other than some placement of the costume to how you want it is pretty screne-accurate.
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Here is one with his belt done according to the box art. I had to unsnap his leather jerkin in the back and overlap it so it was tighter. It is not snapped now. But the belt works well.

I have a gripe, though. The paint came off from the area of his index fingernail on his right sword hand. The sculpt is so tight that it made the paint app act as an adhesive between his finger and thumb. I am not going to worry about it, though. it is totally invisible except when I open his hand to place or remove the sword.

Edit - MUCH better pic, Ringer!
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God I wish Sideshow would move this line a long. I like these figures way more than their SW line.
I'm sorry the quality is so terrible; I'm using my phone's camera, but when I get a hold of a real camera I'll get some better pictures. At least you can see how I last posed him.



Something just seems so impractical about a bow bigger than a human being, I wonder what logic would be behind making it that size.
MaulFan said:
Something just seems so impractical about a bow bigger than a human being, I wonder what logic would be behind making it that size.

Simple...range. VERY practical actually.
Thanks WG, outfit looks good as does the HS. So, his moisturized face dried out over night? Still looks a little shiny there but not bad at all.

So how would you rate him against the others?
Beard is definitely shiny. Maybe I got a bad one that way; we'll see as more make their debut. I may have to sandpaper it a bit to dull it.

The outfit is fantastic though -- right up there with Boromir. So many details, there's even ties on his shirt under his tunic.

Overall, I still like Boromir best -- his red robe is hard to beat, plus that amazing shield -- but Faramir is a second for me. Legolas just didn't have much as far as outfit detail and Aragorn was a bit of a disappointment for me as I got a Chuck Norris version. Aragorn still beats all as far as accessories though.

I'm eager to keep this line alive so I hope we get the next figure announcement soon... GANDALF is the obvious choice.
Gandalf would be good, but I'm ready for some smaller people or Saruman. A woman would be nice too, like Galadriel or Eowyn. Anything would be good at this point. Even Bill!
Looking good WG. Can see his sculpt/paint apps better there too, looks like a good one, guess I'll have to wait til tomorrow to see whether I got a shiny one...

Also I still haven't seen a good closeup of the head/eyes, anyone?

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