I almost hate to post this but...
These are better...

These are better...

Wor-Gar said:It's one of the oddest paint jobs I've seen yet... like someone took some sandpaper to him already.
But, again, from afar it looks fine... just like every other head sculpt.
MaulFan said:WorGar, how are you shooting your closeups, with the lens close to the face, or do you zoom the lens in as much as possible and then bring the face into focus. If your camera can do it, your best bet for closeups on these figures' portraits is to zoom your camera fully and if need be move closer to the figure, but using the lens zoom and not physical proximity to the subject will lessen the distortion.
Wor-Gar said:I almost hate to post this but...![]()
Wor-Gar said:No, I have an ancient camera, old technology from way back in 2001.It's a little digital elf, but its magic has since left.
Here's kind of a good one...
Faramir likes flat light.
Yeah Pjam, I'll probably wipe his beard down with very light sandpaper to kill the sheen.
Was Faramir's cloak really green? Or was that lighting and filters? In some picturs it looks brown/gray like the SS one.
Wor-Gar said:I almost hate to post this but...
jedibear said:Wor-Gar...any chance of getting the two brothers lined up side by side on the kitchen counter for a shot?
FlyAndFight said:Wow, that looks like crap!
Mine is definitely going to get a repaint. What I want to know is who decided the colors and paint apps for this one?! The hair is ca-ca brown and doesn't even match that weirdly painted beard in color.![]()
Aside from the horrible paint apps on the headsculpt, this figure looks to be a 9/10.
Sideshow is batting .500 with the paint apps on the LOTR headsculpts so far:
Aragorn: Pop-up to short center field.
Legolas: a line-drive to the gap; standing double.
Boromir: a screaming rope down the first base line; stretched to a triple.
Faramir: struck out looking...