is this it? the new song???
Seems fitting to me. Almost has an irish vibe to it. Plus the violins. When people say "pop" i think of Katy Perry and what have you. Things with synthesized sounds and autotuning. This doesnt sound like that. Me no know meester Crows.
one thing I find weird is people defending this but saying Gollum's song suck.
i dont know... maybe you are right, POP song is the wrong way to describe
this one Sounds too much like a song I would send my girlfriend or something. Definitely sounds like a song like that, a R&B love song. To me sounds exactly like that.
okay, for the sake of argument Ill give you some examples. This is the kind of same vibe and style the Hobbit song has
To me they sound like the same style. R&B Love songs, I don't see any difference as far as the beat and the rhythm goes. To me these 3 songs feel the same
now, those two songs I posted, They are Nice songs. I like them because they are smooth and cool, But I would NEVER thought The Hobbit would have that kind of "love" sounding song... It's just kind of shocking at first.
Can't agree. The hobbit song just doesn't have that beat or syncopation. The songs (well the usher one. The other wasnt available in my country...or whatever) you posted are like...bumpin and grind rhythms
. Hobbit song doesnt give me that.
I do feel you on the "song id send to my gf" notion though. Just not in the R&B sense. I'd say the hobbit song is closer to something like John Mayer or Jack Johnson.
Just still got a funny feeling that Radagast will die. Maybe a sad one like Boromirs death
I love all of them. Into The West is my favorite of all of them. I actually like this one more than the one from AUJ more out of the gate.
HOW can you say it doesn't suit the Hobbit when you haven't seen DoS? It might suit the film very well thank you!! It may not suit your view of Middle-Earth in general, but so far EVERY song from LOTR and the Hobbit has fit into the general feeling of the end of the movie, and i'm sure this will too. He did after all watch the movie before writing the song.
For me, Enya's May it Be is my favourite so far. Josh i don't know how you can say it doesn't fit into middle-earth when it's the most Tolkien-y song of the lot! It includes alot of themes important to Tolkien and fits the mood of the end of the film so well.
As does Gollums song. I may not buy it, but i like it and think it does a good job of playing to the mood of the end of TTT.
For me, Enya's May it Be is my favourite so far. Josh i don't know how you can say it doesn't fit into middle-earth when it's the most Tolkien-y song of the lot! It includes alot of themes important to Tolkien and fits the mood of the end of the film so well.
maybe the movie ends in a romantic note...
I doubt this is in any of the actual movie. Song of the Lonely Mountain wasn't so I doubt they do that with this one.
Wasn't there tastes of it throughout the movie?
Not that I'm aware of. You get plenty of shores Misty Mountains theme but not the version that was done for the credits.
If you listen closely, they have the same melody.