Then why does he have to go fish through all of those scrolls like he needs to find out what's going on?
He's just confirming his suspicion about the ring.
Then why does he have to go fish through all of those scrolls like he needs to find out what's going on?
Well that make him the dumbest Wizard in Middle Earth... Here you know that Sauron is trying to come back and that Bilbo found a Ring of Power.... Yet....... He does not become suspicious until he sees how Bilbo acts...... Calling it his Precious... Which he already knows that Gollum called it.. (It has been called that before).
Again I Love LOTR and very much enjoyed the first Hobbit film and thought the 2nd was still good.... So I am not trying to pick the films apart... But I am worried that PJ is walking into some.. "How come Ben did not know who R2 and 3PO were" territory.
Like I said in the post above.... This would make him the dumbest Wizard in Middle earth.... He should have more of a suspicion then just Bilbo getting angry and calling it Precious.... Gandalf acts like that is a clue that tips him off.... yet he knows how Bilbo got the ring and the story of Bilbo and Gollum..
He doesn't know Bilbo has a ring right now and he's never thought it was more than a magic ring. It's not until the events you see in FOTR that it's confirmed that The One Ring has been found and not lost in the Anduin. Then the pieces start to come together. So it's not about being dumb as you said.
Bilbo doesn't tell the true story of how he got his ring right away.
I haven't seen the movie yet, but isn't it obvious that haggard figure Gandalf's fighting against is simply crazed Thrain?
There's even official merchendise about that guy.
Slynger the spiders actuallytalked a lot MORE in the book. In fact Bilbo spent a good deal of time interacting and verbally taunting them. I feared that they'd be silent after Shelob so was thrilled to hear them speak when he had the ring on.
I haven't read the book in a couple of years and forgot if that actually took place. I didn't have time to check last night when I got home, but knowing it's in the book now makes that part of the movie that much better. Thanks for clearing it up for me.
I'm not the only one right?? was so expecting a young Strider to show up at the prancing pony would have worked too![]()
Being that he is one of the Dunedain, he wouldn't have been that young though, right?
no still 27 though.