Really? Didn't look that bleak - too clean, too neat for a mining town.
The trailer gives me a bad, bad feeling. Comparisons to Twilight are dead on - not because of the source material (the books are excellent, especially the first one), but because of how this film appears. The leads are simply too old (this isn't kids killing kids, it's Starship Troopers for gods sake), and their look, the look of the sets, the cinematography, the music, even the silly angst ridden looks between the 'teen' males and females (with the unfortunate coincedence of two males and one female in a psuedo-love triangle), played to the hilt in the trailer, amps up the Twilight feel. I have a very bad feeling that because of the age of the subject matter and the current Twilight rage, they were under a lot of pressure to mimic it in ways that are going to really hurt this story.
I hope not - I really, really hope not, because this book deserves a great film. But this particular trailer hasn't made me feel any less nervous about the outcome.