The 'I actually love Obi-Wan' Thread

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Josh, if you're going to tell me that you honestly think those production pic images show a GREAT paint app or one that's even in the same ballpark as what was shown at SDCC (which Brant famously mistook for a production piece, by the way) then I am not going to believe you. Sorry.
IrishJedi said:
You know, I usually agree that the SSC figures do look better in person. But in this instance (as was also the case with Anakin) some of you are overlooking one very important fact: We're also judging the SDCC prototype from pictures, too. Yes, we all know that lighting and other elements can affect how something looks in a pic. But the simple fact of the matter is that any objective person could look at pics of what was shown at SDCC and what the final product apparently is and see that they are miles apart in quality of paint apps. You do NOT need to see it in person to observe that.

The proto amounts to a custom piece basically. At what point does it take for folks to understand these mass produced pieces aren't gonna look exactly a like. They should look similar but to expect an exact match is too much.
pixletwin said:
I agree with Josh. Time to bring this guy back:

And I thought it was bad with Anakin.... Sheesh...

You're right... the Anakin paint apps WERE bad.

Look, I was with YOU GUYS when people were going apecrap over the early Anakin pics. And while do think the factory botched the paint job I still think it's a great figure (aside from that) and was happy to repaint mine to look more like Hayden and the prototype. I then gave SSC the benefit of the doubt, especially when they admitted Mea Culpa on the Anakin paint apps in that interview on Rebelscum.

THAT's why I expected near perfection with Obi-Wan and that's why I am severely disappointed in what I am seeing so far.

Can we just leave it at this,

The sculpt looks dead on, that hasn't changed.

There is some obvious variance between paint apps. from the original prototype to the newer pics we just received. The newer paint apps are worse! They are too dark but probably not as dark as the pics are depicting them. The figure, most likely won't look as amazing as we all thought it would (which is what's really causing this because everyone has such high hopes for this, me included), but it is still the best looking ROTS Obi that has been released.

I think it's fair to say that if we receive what the new pics look like, the hi-res pics that show more detail, this went from a 10 to an 8.5. It's disappointing to say the least but it's still a very nice figure, it just lost it's 'GREAT' or 'PERFECT' title.
jlcmsu said:
The proto amounts to a custom piece basically. At what point does it take for folks to understand these mass produced pieces aren't gonna look exactly a like. They should look similar but to expect an exact match is too much.
Josh, dude...


And what we're saying is that other than being the same sculpt these are NOT similar.

Also, remember... Brant mistook the one at SDCC for a finished production piece and when he corrected himself stated that the production piece was "close" to the prototype shown at SDCC. Well, this is far from close.

How can you guys not see this?
IrishJedi said:
....How can you guys not see this?
I do see it. I agree the PApps are nowhere near where my hopes had pegged them. But we must equally acknowledge that those few who have actually seen it in person are saying that it looks good to them (ie not as good as the SDCC pics but better than the impressiong the prod. pics give).
pixletwin said:
I agree with Josh. Time to bring this guy back:

And I thought it was bad with Anakin.... Sheesh...

No kiddin. Jeez

IrishJedi said:
Josh, if you're going to tell me that you honestly think those production pic images show a GREAT paint app or one that's even in the same ballpark as what was shown at SDCC (which Brant famously mistook for a production piece, by the way) then I am not going to believe you. Sorry.

I didn't say it looks great. I said it look pretty good. If it comes out looking more like what we see in the regular pics then yeah I'll be a bit bummed. The High Res pics show a better representation and I like what I hear from the two that saw it in Singapore.

IrishJedi said:
THAT's why I expected near perfection with Obi-Wan and that's why I am severely disappointed in what I am seeing so far.


Well, if you expect perfection on any mass produced piece then you are FOOLING yourself. No mass produced or hand painted item will ever be perfect. The day that everyone can accept that is the day folks can be happier with their items. SS does the best they can to strive for perfection and most of the time the stuff they do is really good, but perfect is not fair to ask of anyone.


IrishJedi said:
Josh, dude...


I don't think some of you all do. You seem to expect custom/proto like jobs on everyone of these. It's just not gonna happen.

IrishJedi said:
And what we're saying is that other than being the same sculpt these are NOT similar.

They are similar. If the hair was as light as what you saw at SDCC then everyone would be wetting themselves. The High Res show the hair still is pretty light just not as light as what was at SDCC.

IrishJedi said:
Also, remember... Brant mistook the one at SDCC for a finished production piece and when he corrected himself stated that the production piece was "close" to the prototype shown at SDCC. Well, this is far from close.

How can you guys not see this?

How can you guys not see that they are "close"?
Are these two pictures (original prototype and Toy Fair) of the exact same figure? If so note how different the paint apps can look with proper lighting and photography:


Khev said:
...note how different the paint apps can look with proper lighting and photography:



Ah-ha! Now this looks closer, right?

With the exception of the beard -- with those weird gray highlights -- and the obviously thicker paint apps on the skin and eyebrows, this may be a better comparison.
Batty said:
I officially ban myself from the Obi-Waaaaaaaaaa threads! :D

:lol and this thread is about "I actually LOVE Obi-Wan" and people still say he is bad on this thread :lol There's already a thread about how bad he is people. :monkey1

...and I for one have moved to Marvel section and Sandbox.
Me too. I actually think the prod sculpt looks a little better since I always thought the proto, toy fair, and SDCC pics made him look too wrinkled and elderly. Ewan is still a young man and even tho they did try to age him a little bit in ROTS he never looked as old as the proto sclupt to me.
Also, you can tell in the blown up pic that WG posted that the red/brown is in the hair. It just remains to be seen if it shows up enough in person. So far tho IMO the only figure that has had too dark of hair color has been Han. Luke and Ani are right on in that area IMO.
Bottom line is: Sideshow's new photographer doens't capture these things very well... The figures also should be futz'd with before the picture is taken. Seems like the last couple have clothes that look like they were right out of the box...
pixletwin said:
Bottom line is: Sideshow's new photographer doens't capture these things very well...

Sideshow has a new photographer? What happened to Ginny green hair?
I, for one, am very excited to get Obi-Wan!

Considering the crap Hasbro made, Sideshow has made me very happy with their 12-inch Star Wars line. I have had no complaints about any of the figures that have been released.

My only complaint is that thay aren't making them fast enough. I want MORE!
rockit13 said:
My only complaint is that thay aren't making them fast enough. I want MORE!

I'm with you on that!!! Love all of them so far. :chew