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Wrong thread but first figure of 2017...


What do you guys have on preorder or gotten so far?

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Nothing DC-related so far, but I've been thinking about picking up Mezco's BvS Batman and have the Figuarts Bale Batman on preorder.
Theaters sicken me. I don't want to bring home bedbugs.

We rarely go anymore, but when we do I pretty much wait until the last week the film will be in the theater and see it during the week. I haven't seen a film in a theater with a crowd in years. Sometimes I get to preview them before they start showing them at the theater I used to work at in college

i can't stand going to the movies anymore... the prices are ridiculous and all the idiots who just can't seem to shut the F up and stay off the gd phone drives me batshiz crazy!!

that gameplay looks sick! i like robin getting his azz handed to him underground! lol :lol
I had a guy sitting next to me with a bluetooth in his ear and the light was blinking over and over the entire movie in my peripheral... me nowadays would strangled the guy. I have too much of a temper to take that anymore :lol
Swamp Thing looks good, and I like his moves. I'm going to wait awhile before I get the game, but I enjoyed the first one for what it was. Plus, I got to play as Zod so that's an automatic must-buy. I don't think he's included in the second game though. :mad:
It's always best to wait on these things, since within a year since you can buy the GOTY edition and get all the DLC free.
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Today is Batman Beyond day! I just got the Prime Batman Beyond statue delivered and also found the Batman Beyond Animated 3-pack waiting on my desk when I got back from lunch! :rock :rock
Today is Batman Beyond day! I just got the Prime Batman Beyond statue delivered and also found the Batman Beyond Animated 3-pack waiting on my desk when I got back from lunch! :rock :rock

nice haul!

you ever catch any shiz for having junk at your office? i have that batman 1/6 ss fig with the custom jim lee head i painted... at work staring down at me from a cabinet... some people look at me like i'm retarded! lol
nice haul!

you ever catch any shiz for having junk at your office? i have that batman 1/6 ss fig with the custom jim lee head i painted... at work staring down at me from a cabinet... some people look at me like i'm retarded! lol

I work with mostly women so weird looks are the norm. Most of them think I'm stupid for spending my money on this stuff, but they're also the ones that like coming to my office when they know I got something new. If I didn't own the business, I'd never be able to have this stuff here though. Also, my office isn't really in direct sight of the customers. Sometimes the girls bring someone back to look at what I have though, especially if they know they're into it, but I've found that most people get a kick out of the stuff, even if they're not comic book fans.
I work with mostly women so weird looks are the norm. Most of them think I'm stupid for spending my money on this stuff, but they're also the ones that like coming to my office when they know I got something new. If I didn't own the business, I'd never be able to have this stuff here though. Also, my office isn't really in direct sight of the customers. Sometimes the girls bring someone back to look at what I have though, especially if they know they're into it, but I've found that most people get a kick out of the stuff, even if they're not comic book fans.

business owner surrounded by women... hmmmm

is it zod's house of ho's? :rotfl

Idk if I should preorder... :lol my DC display is quite sad.

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Today is Batman Beyond day! I just got the Prime Batman Beyond statue delivered and also found the Batman Beyond Animated 3-pack waiting on my desk when I got back from lunch! :rock :rock

Congrats! I didn't even knew the 3 pack is out already! :slap

I'd love to see updated shots of what you have right now.

nice haul!

you ever catch any shiz for having junk at your office? i have that batman 1/6 ss fig with the custom jim lee head i painted... at work staring down at me from a cabinet... some people look at me like i'm retarded! lol

I get that sometimes, despite my collection being really small and kept in my office room. Guests will either get it or don't. As long as they don't touch anything, I'm happy. :lol
The Batman Beyond 3-pack just came out last week. Batman seems tiny, but looks great. Old Bruce and Ace are absolutely fantastic.

I really am going to take pics of my collection. :lol I used to keep up with it much better. I'll get some stuff arranged and do it soon. I still have a lot of pieces scattered around the house while I figure out my shelves.