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When my wife and I went to the Dallas Comic Con last March they had an entire section of tables for YouTube people. I didn't recognize any of them since I don't keep up with that ****, but it blew my mind that they actually made space for them like anyone gives a **** about their stupid videos.
When my wife and I went to the Dallas Comic Con last March they had an entire section of tables for YouTube people. I didn't recognize any of them since I don't keep up with that ****, but it blew my mind that they actually made space for them like anyone gives a **** about their stupid videos.


:lol I know the people you mean. Jerk offs like Markiplier and the like. They have to act like cartoon characters.
:lol :lol There's a difference between people that are legitimately doing reviews for fans and the people that are acting like *******s because they crave the attention. The majority of YouTube personalities are pieces of **** in their videos and more than likely pieces of **** in real life. They're like the drama people in high school that most people can't stand because everything they say has to be a production.
yeah honestly i don't get it?? :slap

the old lady was watching some cooking contest show and it was titled "internet sensation stars"... i'm like WTF is that? so i looked up some of the people and its these cornballs who do nothing but walk around w/ a phone and show their trip to eat at outback or going to the grocery store or showing crap they got for their birthday??? i swear i must be loosing my mind, but HOW THE F is this something to spend your time watching??? what am i missing?
If you've ever seen any of these twerps videos, you'll immediately understand that young people of this generation are profoundly retarded.
i wanted to poke my eyes out and stick a hot poker in my ears after watching this one chik talk about her day and her trip to walmart!!
I've become so irritable with that narcissistic generation that I want to walk around slapping phones out of their hands. No one cares about what you bought at Walmart, ate for lunch, or what your opinion is on anything.

I'm also at the point that I wish collector YouTubers were banned from conventions or had a special day to go film their ****. At SDCC, each one of them has to camp out at every figure/statue and do their 20-minute ******** video for each one. Meanwhile, I'm trying to get 10-20 seconds to take a couple pics but have to wait for them to finish. :mad:
I've become so irritable with that narcissistic generation that I want to walk around slapping phones out of their hands. No one cares about what you bought at Walmart, ate for lunch, or what your opinion is on anything.

I'm also at the point that I wish collector YouTubers were banned from conventions or had a special day to go film their ****. At SDCC, each one of them has to camp out at every figure/statue and do their 20-minute ******** video for each one. Meanwhile, I'm trying to get 10-20 seconds to take a couple pics but have to wait for them to finish. :mad:

honestly, if it was me, i'd just ask them to move out of the way right in the middle of their nonsense. enough times they'll get tired of having to deal with editing the foolish videos and they'll get out of the way. i've also found coughing and fake sneezing also works great for moving the herd! :lol

I think this place should ban the narcissists that think we need to see their review in a new thread. **** off with that already.

yeah that's another one that makes NO sense other than putting yourself on a pedestal... threads exist for a figure, if other threads are created that pertain to that figure, they get merged. why the special treatment for a select few?
I have an Instagram account I occasionally post art on, other than that I deleted my various social media accounts years ago. It's amazing how much more sane and relaxed I feel without Facebook, Twitter, etc invading every aspect of my life.
I don't get it, but I'm not from the generation that's grown up with "going viral" as a life goal.

I've become so irritable with that narcissistic generation that I want to walk around slapping phones out of their hands. No one cares about what you bought at Walmart, ate for lunch, or what your opinion is on anything.

I'm also at the point that I wish collector YouTubers were banned from conventions or had a special day to go film their ****. At SDCC, each one of them has to camp out at every figure/statue and do their 20-minute ******** video for each one. Meanwhile, I'm trying to get 10-20 seconds to take a couple pics but have to wait for them to finish. :mad:

I'm FROM this generation and I still don't get it. Hell, I can't tell you how often I get irritated by people my age. I guess if people want to waste their lives away with the most pointless, fluffy crap that's their own stupid decision. Society now seems to expect that everybody partake in this garbage, especially teenagers and young adults. In that I think it's just a large hive mind mentality.

Thankfully I wised up a few years back and scrapped all my social media, both personal and even my action figure related accounts. I have now been happier than I've ever been and I invest my time into things that actually have some substance.

Edit: And don't get me started on YouTube. It's gone to total ****. Look at whatever's trending and you will realize the world is even stupider than you thought. Only reason I still even go on YouTube is for The Fwoosh and RedLetterMedia.
Don't worry friends, I predict all of the narcissistic people of today, will be hated by their own children and family tomorrow. It's science
I'm FROM this generation and I still don't get it. Hell, I can't tell you how often I get irritated by people my age. I guess if people want to waste their lives away with the most pointless, fluffy crap that's their own stupid decision. Society now seems to expect that everybody partake in this garbage, especially teenagers and young adults. In that I think it's just a large hive mind mentality.

Thankfully I wised up a few years back and scrapped all my social media, both personal and even my action figure related accounts. I have now been happier than I've ever been and I invest my time into things that actually have some substance.

Edit: And don't get me started on YouTube. It's gone to total ****. Look at whatever's trending and you will realize the world is even stupider than you thought. Only reason I still even go on YouTube is for The Fwoosh and RedLetterMedia.

I have an Instagram account I occasionally post art on, other than that I deleted my various social media accounts years ago. It's amazing how much more sane and relaxed I feel without Facebook, Twitter, etc invading every aspect of my life.

FB I think it's the absolute worst social media platform on the net. Everyone becomes an expert on any topic because they read a meme.
Honestly I'm getting bored of Red Letter Media. Some of their recent content has shown they're actually very ignorant about filmmaking and the history of film, especially Jay's constant Blade Runner bashing based on information he apparently only imagines/wishes were factual. I was also surprised by how little they actually knew about the making of Starship Troopers and how much they got wrong reviewing that considering they stated it was one of their favourite films.

FB I think it's the absolute worst social media platform on the net. Everyone becomes an expert on any topic because they read a meme.

I think Twitter really gives it a run for its money, but they're both complete arsewash.
Honestly I'm getting bored of Red Letter Media. Some of their recent content has shown they're actually very ignorant about filmmaking and the history of film, especially Jay's constant Blade Runner bashing based on information he apparently only imagines/wishes were factual. I was also surprised by how little they actually knew about the making of Starship Troopers and how much they got wrong reviewing that considering they stated it was one of their favourite films.

I think Twitter really gives it a run for its money, but they're both complete arsewash.

Twitter's censorship I hope will be it's undoing.

I like RLM, I don't follow them religiously though... especially since Mike is too cynical about generally good films. I forget if both him and Jay or one of them in their Half in the Bag liked Jurassic World and that right there is a red flag, no pun intended.
The only social media I have now is Facebook, and I mainly use that for info from collectible companies. I block people left and right when they annoy me so I hardly have any friends left on there.