Captain Spidey
Super Freak
Both must-haves and I only got one more to go! 

I might be in the minority here but I prefer the Maquette.
made by me for you guys,let me your opinion...
There is no contest. The original Hulk PF pose commands strength. It also captures light and shadow better. It's a true classic and will never be duplicated or surpass.
Correct me if i'm wrong, but i believe that specific Hulk PF was from Andy B's personal collection which he modified the paint to make it look ideal...and the lighting on the PF is FAR more flattering on the PF compared to the Maquette.
I might be in the minority here but I prefer the Maquette.
Correct me if i'm wrong, but i believe that specific Hulk PF was from Andy B's personal collection which he modified the paint to make it look ideal...and the lighting on the PF is FAR more flattering on the PF compared to the Maquette.
Very true on all counts. I also think that the pants are fully sculpted on Andy's PF. Look at how much nicer they look than the cloth pants. So much better IMHO. Comparing the 2 sculpts with these 2 particular pics is unfair. To take a well lit picture of a customized PF and a grainy one of the maquette is a bad comparison.
If the maquette had a custom paint job, sculpted pants, and there were well lit photos of it, then it would be a much fairer comparison.
I bought the PF when it came out many years ago. I saw it in person with my own eyes. I hated the pants and wasn't a fan of the face. Aside from those two issues, I think it's absolutely perfect and of an enormously high quality. I sold it a couple of days after I bought it because I just couldn't get over the two issues I mentioned and the only reason I regret it is because I could have made a ____load more on the sale now. I've been waiting for a better Hulk since then. I love the comiquette, but this maquette will most likely beat it.
I bought the PF when it came out many years ago. I saw it in person with my own eyes. I hated the pants and wasn't a fan of the face. Aside from those two issues, I think it's absolutely perfect and of an enormously high quality. I sold it a couple of days after I bought it because I just couldn't get over the two issues I mentioned and the only reason I regret it is because I could have made a ____load more on the sale now. I've been waiting for a better Hulk since then. I love the comiquette, but this maquette will most likely beat it.