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They could offer more. Like 50-60 maybe more... it depends on the issue. I don't know where this dude got 20. Don't listen to the fear mongers on this site

That aaid, if it really bugs you, get it replaced

This 'dude', me, got it from the LSF thread. :lecture
As I said "I'm guessing the figure but if they're offering $25 for a $2,000 piece?"

*03-15-2013, 11:37 AM* #3939jye318crazy freakFeedback Score:*21*reviews, 100%**Join Date: Aug 2010Posts: 2,166*Re: Wolf Predator Legendary Scale FigureYes, $25 for a $2k statue!! Wtf?!!! Now I am really ****** up , I really want to keep this since I save $400 from retailer, but this is really not acceptable . What are they thinking !??__________________MY SHOW ROOM*

Ask Webb, he made the same comment ↓ in said thread.

How's that possible I got $50.00 for the Dutch's broken cigar.:lol
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No they will send a printable shipping label,but you have to go to UPS and drop it off.

BTW while you at it,ask the dude how much would be to ship back if you had to pay,just to compare the prices.
No they will send a printable shipping label,but you have to go to UPS and drop it off.

BTW while you at it,ask the dude how much would be to ship back if you had to pay,just to compare the prices.

I can do that any time I work in shipping and use UPS frequently.
Did you send clear pictures if the issue?

Either ask you to destroy it or they will cover the return costs.

I used their contact us link, there wasn't anyway to send the pick. I did mention in the message that I would send them the pick upon request. I'm just waiting for someone to contact me.
That's what I figured Snad. This really sucks, I've been waiting a long time for a good Hulk statue, and this one is the absolute best I've ever seen.