I'M surprised there is still a price war guessing game going on here.If you think about it so far we only have the prototype figure shown to Mark Ruffalo in the video to go on.It looks to be a 1/4 scale figure.So unless it's size changes for some reason the price should be in the PF range and no more.
It's Hulk.. so only pants no real clothing,no weapons,it's an easy one for SS.They are watching us..know that we all want to buy one..and are getting ideas on how much we are willing to pay.
So lets tell them.We are all happily willing to pay $329-$349.
I know it's not that simple,but sounds good doesn't it.
Are you ____ing Crazy !!!! Theres no way I want some poseur Hulk Fan having access to this cause its cheap!!! This should be available to only the most dedicated Hulk fan !!!! Fair weather poseurs can go Home !!!
Sideshow this needs to be at $700 at least.... Hear me well Sideshow, as a customer of your compagny from the 1st days, I want this Hulk to retail at least at $800!I will gladly pay those prices for elite collectibles like this one.
Do not sell this statue cheap, Sideshow.
Thank you.
True Sideshow Hulk fan,