That thread is unnecessary they've already confirmed it's coming:
Although note they call it a Maquette which means they'll be pants sculpted on the final version and it won't be a PF.
That's a nice piece of art. But yeah a illustration looks nice but a hulk like in a film would look funny. Btw where did you buy that poster or illustration?
Premium Formats no longer mean they consist of fabric elements, remember 1/4=premium format regardless of whether it has fabric elements or not. So if it really is 1/4 why are they calling it a maquette???
Movie Hulk looks good but nothing will ever beat the original PF
Damn. i hope is no more than 500
Yes yes I know. But original hulk also only had three toes and four fingers and he was Much Much smaller but I don't want any of that either.
I know you Love that Kirby Style Shai, it's just not my favorite version.
Now I don't mind a bigger more "bloated" hulk but the angle of the photo he just looks a bit to bloated. That is why I would like to see more photos.
Don't get me wrong. The Hulk is the last film was FAR to ripped. Would have prefered more mass. I think I would like something between the Last Hulk movie and this Avengers Hulk.
Hmmm we could go by the price of the Legacy Destroyer maq @ $500 which is 26" tall has a similar detailed sculpt, simple paint job and basic light up and figure this Hulk is a couple of inches taller but with a lot more girth and ballpark a price of $800.
Then again it is almost LSF size and SS could well whack 2k on it!
Since SS wants $350 for the simplest of PF's these days I get scared whenever these higher end pieces are announced.