Can someone from Sideshow please send me an email saying I've won this in a competition?
It's the only way I'd get this past the wife without it ending in the divorce courts.
under cover of darkness...just sayin

Can someone from Sideshow please send me an email saying I've won this in a competition?
It's the only way I'd get this past the wife without it ending in the divorce courts.
It's not going to be an easy piece to hide.
Got the money but being a typical woman she thinks it's better spend it on feeding the kids and paying the mortgage...I disagree!
yea ur least $700. sadly, this has legacy attached to it. so it will easily be $200 more than batman.
if it's 999 would u buy it? 649 i assume..
Just to let everyone know. My six year old son approves of this sculpt. He said "That one has a nice face. Some of the Hulks you have don't have a nice face"
So there you go. Best Hulk Ever!!!
Well Thor is 24" and he is placed a little higher then the Hulk base so I would say it looks like Hulk will be 26 to 28" tall.
Perfect!!!!!! Hurry SS so I can order!!
"That one has a nice face. Some of the Hulks you have don't have a nice face"