The Indy Premium Format Figure Countdown/Discussion Thread

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Yeah, I should have my first PF delivered next week... and already SSC is forcing me to pre-order #2 with Indy.

Your first PF is going to be Darkness?

That's awesome he's my first too. Such a badass imposing statue. :rock
exactly...a pic needs posted every new page as reminder of awesomeness :D

Hell Yeah !! :rock:rock:rock


with the huge response this guy will be treated like an inclusive PF.. there will be well over 2000 orders for him. Hopeful Qualitly Control can keep up with the orders.
with the huge response this guy will be treated like an inclusive PF.. there will be well over 2000 orders for him. Hopeful Qualitly Control can keep up with the orders.

That's my worst fear to that the QC on this piece is going to suck. But I'm going to hope for the best.
Regarding QC... I remain confident that Sideshow is aware of how high profile this product is that reputations can be made or broken here.
Goodness knows the QC isn't Sideshow's strongest point, but paint apps are usually up to snuff on their PF's more often than not, and I'm sure they're under more pressure to please with this one. I'm sure the finished piece will be very awesome.
Every time I go to Andy's site I'm reminded how great the sculpt for the Han Solo PF was, and how a paint job cant ruin/make a whole piece. For the most part I've been lucky in terms of QC, but the last PF I got, Don Vito, is really a sub par job... very lifeless. That being said, I agree with those that think that Sideshow knows how high profile the release is, and will ensure it's quality. At least I hope this is the case.