How can you speculate on the public response to what Lady Gaga or Beyonce cancelling a tour might be? I'm not across the details yet - I'm interested in getting up to speed. But on the face of it, your position sounds disingenuous. North Korea gets to dictate what entertainment is delivered in the US, or anywhere else? Or they'll whack others with a stick? In my current ignorance, Sony's position looks a lot like appeasement.
As far as NK dictating what movies are made, Olympus have Fallen and the Red Dawn remake actually had NK as the villains, as terrorists. And those studios and directors never had a problem with that. there were never any threats, I guess a movie about killing that leader guy was the big "no-no", hopefully they'll just go away.
it is kind of weird that those movies or Team America didn't get in any trouble, Im still curious about that one
As for speculating, there have been performers that have canceled because of threats, I just can't remember who, I guess I should not speculate but I know some bands have canceled before... I have to look it up
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