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How can you speculate on the public response to what Lady Gaga or Beyonce cancelling a tour might be? I'm not across the details yet - I'm interested in getting up to speed. But on the face of it, your position sounds disingenuous. North Korea gets to dictate what entertainment is delivered in the US, or anywhere else? Or they'll whack others with a stick? In my current ignorance, Sony's position looks a lot like appeasement.

As far as NK dictating what movies are made, Olympus have Fallen and the Red Dawn remake actually had NK as the villains, as terrorists. And those studios and directors never had a problem with that. there were never any threats, I guess a movie about killing that leader guy was the big "no-no", hopefully they'll just go away.

it is kind of weird that those movies or Team America didn't get in any trouble, Im still curious about that one

As for speculating, there have been performers that have canceled because of threats, I just can't remember who, I guess I should not speculate but I know some bands have canceled before... I have to look it up
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nevermind :lol


In my current ignorance, Sony's position looks a lot like appeasement.

To cure your ignorance, the full sequence of events, is that the movie theater chains chose not to show the movie on Christmas Day. So, Sony cancelled the Christmas Day opening. Sony was ready to release the film until the theater chains announced that they wouldn't show the film.

Imagine if Hot Toys solicited a Kim Jong Un action figure, and stores refused to stock it, so Hot Toys canceled the release. You don't blame Hot Toys for canceling the release of a figure that no one ordered.

I think the issue hinges on the fact that had theaters gone ahead and screened the movie, and if ANY sort of violence occurred at any theater. . . I can imagine some ******* kids calling in a bomb threat to a theater, or even a crazy person shooting up a theater. . . that theater would be sued for liability or negligence or something like that.

It's incorrect to point fingers at Sony for this, theater chains are the ones who were afraid of the violence.
To cure your ignorance, the full sequence of events, is that the movie theater chains chose not to show the movie on Christmas Day. So, Sony cancelled the Christmas Day opening. Sony was ready to release the film until the theater chains announced that they wouldn't show the film.

Imagine if Hot Toys solicited a Kim Jong Un action figure, and stores refused to stock it, so Hot Toys canceled the release. You don't blame Hot Toys for canceling the release of a figure that no one ordered.

I think the issue hinges on the fact that had theaters gone ahead and screened the movie, and if ANY sort of violence occurred at any theater. . . I can imagine some ******* kids calling in a bomb threat to a theater, or even a crazy person shooting up a theater. . . that theater would be sued for liability or negligence or something like that.

It's incorrect to point fingers at Sony for this, theater chains are the ones who were afraid of the violence.

:clap .
To cure your ignorance, the full sequence of events, is that the movie theater chains chose not to show the movie on Christmas Day. So, Sony cancelled the Christmas Day opening. Sony was ready to release the film until the theater chains announced that they wouldn't show the film.

Imagine if Hot Toys solicited a Kim Jong Un action figure, and stores refused to stock it, so Hot Toys canceled the release. You don't blame Hot Toys for canceling the release of a figure that no one ordered.

I think the issue hinges on the fact that had theaters gone ahead and screened the movie, and if ANY sort of violence occurred at any theater. . . I can imagine some ******* kids calling in a bomb threat to a theater, or even a crazy person shooting up a theater. . . that theater would be sued for liability or negligence or something like that.

It's incorrect to point fingers at Sony for this, theater chains are the ones who were afraid of the violence.

Bad example. People can't order a figure if its not available to order in the first place. In fact, we're still waiting to order some HT figures they've shown us years ago, but haven't come to fruition yet (Prof X, Arkham Joker, Prometheus, etc). Someone will always sell a HT figure if HT solicits it, no matter how controversial it might be. And if they are the only one carrying it, they'll make a fortune. Theaters don't quite work like that. I can't buy a ticket to see a movie across the country or globe and still watch it without having to travel a great distance. With shops, it doesn't matter where it is located as long as they ship globally. Even it something is only available from one retailer, the buyers will find them.

Plus there is the fact HT has Secret Base in which they can sell their own stuff, so that would be like Sony having their own theater.

For me the fingers can still be pointed at Sony because they chickened out. OK, so what if the top 5 chains say no? That doesn't mean ALL of the theaters said no. Release it to the chains/individual theaters that want to screen it. Its not that difficult. Just change "in theaters everywhere" to "in select theaters" on the ads and you're good to go. They could have gone that route, but they didn't. They caved, plain and simple.

But in the end, when they do eventually release this, its going to make a ton of money. People want to see what they were denied, even if they didn't want to see it in the first place. So as long as they do eventually release it, this is the best marketing campaign they could have asked for.
You all should check out on eBay what the posters, and other things, for this movie are going for.
To cure your ignorance, the full sequence of events, is that the movie theater chains chose not to show the movie on Christmas Day. So, Sony cancelled the Christmas Day opening. Sony was ready to release the film until the theater chains announced that they wouldn't show the film.

Imagine if Hot Toys solicited a Kim Jong Un action figure, and stores refused to stock it, so Hot Toys canceled the release. You don't blame Hot Toys for canceling the release of a figure that no one ordered.

I think the issue hinges on the fact that had theaters gone ahead and screened the movie, and if ANY sort of violence occurred at any theater. . . I can imagine some ******* kids calling in a bomb threat to a theater, or even a crazy person shooting up a theater. . . that theater would be sued for liability or negligence or something like that.

It's incorrect to point fingers at Sony for this, theater chains are the ones who were afraid of the violence.

I didn't know about the decision of the theatres to refuse showing it. Thanks for the clarification, crows too. I'm doing a bit more reading about this, 'cause it still rankles that the ****ing North Koreans are throwing their weight around and the West is kowtowing to it.
North Korea, at the end of the day, is still North Korea (i.e., a ****ing hellhole). I really don't care if this is their big victory. I mean, comparing this to appeasing Hitler in WWII? **** me. Honestly, I think comparing **** sizes like this is just sad. Oh, how great to be part of Western Democracy.
No it's not.

NK got Sony/theaters to pull their movie. What is to stop them from having other movies pulled now?
No it's not.

NK got Sony/theaters to pull their movie. What is to stop them from having other movies pulled now?

This is just typical knee jerk reactionary lizard brain fearmongering kind of thinking. That mask avatar you have would be ashamed at such a lack of critical thinking.