Whatever additional changes there are will hopefully just be made part of a Deluxe version and not separate figures.
Two armors is fine. Kind hope it doesn?t extend much beyond that.
So that means no Beskar Mando in our collection for at least ~28-30 months? No thanks
No reason they can?t announce it by the end of the season.
He does need to get himself one of those.
His armor on his hands wasn't replaced with beskar yet. So, armor is not at full beskar mode, yet.
By the way, where will his signets go? Is it possible that they'll be on his hand armors so that armorer did not forge new hand armours?
The reveal of the signet will be right at the season finale I have a feeling. He'll probably get Apollo Creed's beskar to make the piece that'll have it. Given that the first season ends in December I wouldn't be shocked if HT didn't announce the final version around the same time.
That was one fast moving jet pack. It was able to keep up with a star ship. How?
I wonder who the armorer is. She?s got Fett?s signet above her doorway. Wonder if/how that passes down or did she earn that by killing the same beast?
Duh... I forgot the Fetts weren?t Mandalores. But since the signet was on Boba?s shoulder armor and apparently also the Armorer?s I am wondering how they?ll address the connection - poser, thief? It?s been boldly shown a couple times on the show. Kind of surprised this hasn?t been questioned yet.