Not to mention a guy that supposedly has sexual intercourse with droids ignored C-3PO as if he weren't even there.
Look....I know I'm a crotchety old man at the ripe old age of 42. (Honestly, I don't feel that old but I've been called a boomer so often lately I'm wondering where my AARP card is. Come on....42 isn't THAT old!)
But I totally understand how kids these days can see things we loved from the 80s and think it's for example all the sexual assault that I personally found hilarious and justified in "Revenge of the Nerds" in 1984, (and the blatant racism and homophobia)....but even I have to admit that now....holy christ man, those guys should all likely do some time for what they did.
(Except Dudley "Booger" Dawson....he'll never not be awesome to me....come on, he's been combing the high schools all day looking for a date!)
But to take something innocent and innocuous like freaking STAR WARS.....come on people.....STAR WARS.....and try to shoehorn gender identity and pansexuality and intersectionality (whatever the hell that is) into what was harmless, wholesome entertainment just comes off as mean-spirited and ugly to me.
First of all, Lando was introduced because even in the 70s people complained that there were no black people in SW!! So they introduced this cool, suave, ladies man. Yeah, he was shady...but he redeemed himself in the end. He was a cool, complex character.
He did NOT want to **** C-3PO.
Siiiiigh......I've gone from being a Goonie to being freaking Mama Fratelli.
Hell, you do not have to go back that far- the wife likes to watch Friends , (old college habit) and we both were kinda shocked watching a arcing story about Rachel hiring a guy based on his looks, the slowly manipulating him into a date, then becoming his girlfriend and sleeping with him every chance she got.....all the time pretending it was coincidence....its kinda freaked us out a bit....blatant sexual harassment, sexual favors, and manipulation of a employee...
But somehow that was funny back then? I guess its all ok if your a guy and your boss is Jennifer Aniston.

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