The Mandalorian (Star Wars Live Action Series)

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It would have been cool in that first epp. if Greef argued with Mando about payment for those four bounties because one didn't survive the freezing. Would have supported ESB carbon freezing tech somewhat & made it more of a risky/callous move on the bounty hunters part.
Well, yes.. that's precisely my point. Vader wanted to test it for when Luke arrived. Boba wasn't keen because he wanted to be sure Solo was still alive... According to newer material it must have made a good impression on him though..

Yes, though in actuality it is more likely explained by your first point:

kiwiatlarge said:
I guess the real reason is it's fan service...

Star Wars as a series has always been full of repetition and allusions to previous events or things. Such as the often used phrase, "I have a bad feeling about this."

It's become the Dr. Seuss of space fantasy. Whereas Seuss' works have been described as conveying 'relentless repetition', Star Wars embeds relentless familiarity. Until it doesn't, and then the problems begin for some...

For example, the overly-complex plot of the Prequel Trilogy compared to the Original Trilogy; the overly-comedic aspects of the Prequel Trilogy compared to the Original Trilogy; the change in direction for Luke in the Sequel Trilogy, and so on.

Whenever the series becomes unfamiliar there's a battle ground waiting on a forum somewhere. Yet the same is also accurate when the familiar is noted to have become too familiar.

Creators of fiction can't win over everybody, and the internet has given a global soapbox to anyone who cares to tell them so. :wink1:
I thought the portable carbon freeze was gnarly.

Obviously word got out to the bounty hunting community after Boba's success with delivering a "dangerous" fugitive to Jabba, still alive but completely harmless, so the practice caught on to the point where enterprising bounty hunters incorporated them into their ships. It's the safest way to transport wanted criminals alive and get the big bucks.
It works 9 out 10 times lol

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Unlike this.....which works EVERY time.......but hell, I guess when you reveal at the age of 82 you're "gender fluid" you don't care if you go home with a woman or a man or a droid or an ugnaught.
Yes, though in actuality it is more likely explained by your first point:

Star Wars as a series has always been full of repetition and allusions to previous events or things. Such as the often used phrase, "I have a bad feeling about this."

It's become the Dr. Seuss of space fantasy. Whereas Seuss' works have been described as conveying 'relentless repetition', Star Wars embeds relentless familiarity. Until it doesn't, and then the problems begin for some...

For example, the overly-complex plot of the Prequel Trilogy compared to the Original Trilogy; the overly-comedic aspects of the Prequel Trilogy compared to the Original Trilogy; the change in direction for Luke in the Sequel Trilogy, and so on.

Whenever the series becomes unfamiliar there's a battle ground waiting on a forum somewhere. Yet the same is also accurate when the familiar is noted to have become too familiar.

Creators of fiction can't win over everybody, and the internet has given a global soapbox to anyone who cares to tell them so. :wink1:

For me the Mandalorian has struck the perfect balance of familiar/unfamiliar - one of the reasons I appreciate it. Obviously not true for all. ATF and even TLJ did not, one reason being these bloody weaponized balls - including the TLJ cannon which to me was hey, we have another ball, it's just this one lays on the ground. Stahp with the Death Star balls already. Am terrified Palpatine will show up floating in some kind of Ball of Darkness uber-weapon. Then the Honest Trailer guys will switch from crooning beeeeeewbssss to baaaaawwwwwlllsss....and I will never be able to watch any SW again without hearing that it my head.:pow:lol

(Of course, if the Mandalorian clan leader crafts Beskar killer mini balls that whip through enemies like Yondu's arrow, that will be perfectly OK, because this series is AWESOME:monkey3)

True about fiction creators - one meltdown that sticks in my head was the first images of Kylo's cross-guard light saber; don't remember all of it but there was plenty of flack about why that couldn't exist, violated something-or-other etc. I thought it looked cool:cool:

Through the ages much *angst* there has been; baby-man Anakin, Jar-Jar, Rose, and now *ss-kicking Cara Dune...didn't know December 2019 would be this fun.:lsvader
Re: The Mandalorian - 1/6th scale The Mandalorian Collectible Figure

The OT hypocrites do seem to love to attack the people who are not OT groupies for not hating the non OT movies. Seems like those OT groupies are now Mandalorian man groupies and will defend everything about it without any shred of credibility.

Haha, yeah. I said the last Episode was another solid episode on one of my Instagram posts last week. But that it was my least favorite of the 4 episodes so far. But you'd swear I said something bad about their mothers. "No one's ever happy", "You complain too much", "you're so negative",blah, blah etc:lol

The show is great but there's definitely faults and some plot holes to discuss. Same with everything else. People just don't know how to handle constructive criticism over something they love and getting defensive is the only reaction they know. So sad.
...didn't know December 2019 would be this fun.:lsvader

The Mandalorian is like a breath of fresh air. Good old fashioned expanded universe Star Wars. I felt the same way with Solo and Rogue One. If they have an agenda it isn't pushed to the fore. When you move away from the Skywalker story you get to see how the other, more ordinary denizens of this universe live. And I always found that aspect more interesting, hence my attachment to the early Han and Lando novels.

I only wish they would've dropped all the episodes in one go. I usually wait until I have all the episodes of a series before I start watching it, but made an exception with this one.
Yeah Khev:clap
(and the tent was easy target, vs probably guarded prized working AT-ST that had been scrounged by the raiders after the Empire fell. IMO it's a backstory that would fit these raiders having the AT-ST at all, in the middle of nowhere. The raiders didn't strike me as ex-soldiers, just scummy scavenger types. The AT-ST was up pretty fast which meant someone was close by who could operate it. )

People don't have to watch. For me can't wait for next episode and to be able to binge watch entire series.

I can buy that explanation. :duff

And I did like that the dramatic rise into the air finally implied how people actually get *into* the bloody things (the method being that the AT-ST's are able to squat down to ground level when not in use.) :)
So they want me to believe that the guy who introduced himself to Leia in a fantastically woman loving way also had the hots for his IT guy Lobot I don?t think so lol

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I can buy that explanation. :duff

And I did like that the dramatic rise into the air finally implied how people actually get *into* the bloody things (the method being that the AT-ST's are able to squat down to ground level when not in use.) :)

So not everyone has to swing like Tarzan to get in lol

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So they want me to believe that the guy who introduced himself to Leia in a fantastically woman loving way also had the hots for his IT guy Lobot I don?t think so lol

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Not to mention a guy that supposedly has sexual intercourse with droids ignored C-3PO as if he weren't even there.

Look....I know I'm a crotchety old man at the ripe old age of 42. (Honestly, I don't feel that old but I've been called a boomer so often lately I'm wondering where my AARP card is. Come on....42 isn't THAT old!)

But I totally understand how kids these days can see things we loved from the 80s and think it's for example all the sexual assault that I personally found hilarious and justified in "Revenge of the Nerds" in 1984, (and the blatant racism and homophobia)....but even I have to admit that now....holy christ man, those guys should all likely do some time for what they did.

(Except Dudley "Booger" Dawson....he'll never not be awesome to me....come on, he's been combing the high schools all day looking for a date!)


But to take something innocent and innocuous like freaking STAR WARS.....come on people.....STAR WARS.....and try to shoehorn gender identity and pansexuality and intersectionality (whatever the hell that is) into what was harmless, wholesome entertainment just comes off as mean-spirited and ugly to me.

First of all, Lando was introduced because even in the 70s people complained that there were no black people in SW!! So they introduced this cool, suave, ladies man. Yeah, he was shady...but he redeemed himself in the end. He was a cool, complex character.

He did NOT want to **** C-3PO.

Siiiiigh......I've gone from being a Goonie to being freaking Mama Fratelli.

Not to mention a guy that supposedly has sexual intercourse with droids ignored C-3PO as if he weren't even there.

Look....I know I'm a crotchety old man at the ripe old age of 42. (Honestly, I don't feel that old but I've been called a boomer so often lately I'm wondering where my AARP card is. Come on....42 isn't THAT old!)

But I totally understand how kids these days can see things we loved from the 80s and think it's for example all the sexual assault that I personally found hilarious and justified in "Revenge of the Nerds" in 1984, (and the blatant racism and homophobia)....but even I have to admit that now....holy christ man, those guys should all likely do some time for what they did.

(Except Dudley "Booger" Dawson....he'll never not be awesome to me....come on, he's been combing the high schools all day looking for a date!)


But to take something innocent and innocuous like freaking STAR WARS.....come on people.....STAR WARS.....and try to shoehorn gender identity and pansexuality and intersectionality (whatever the hell that is) into what was harmless, wholesome entertainment just comes off as mean-spirited and ugly to me.

First of all, Lando was introduced because even in the 70s people complained that there were no black people in SW!! So they introduced this cool, suave, ladies man. Yeah, he was shady...but he redeemed himself in the end. He was a cool, complex character.

He did NOT want to **** C-3PO.

Siiiiigh......I've gone from being a Goonie to being freaking Mama Fratelli.


epic post is well epic lol

But listen up and listen up real good Mama Fratelli we?re not that far away from humans porking androids with interchangeable parts and it?s coming much faster than you think maybe even in your lifetime!

Have you picked out a hair color yet for yours.

Throw momma from the train and keep your gender fluid android instead.

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Re: The Mandalorian - 1/6th scale The Mandalorian Collectible Figure

Haha, yeah. I said the last Episode was another solid episode on one of my Instagram posts last week. But that it was my least favorite of the 4 episodes so far. But you'd swear I said something bad about their mothers. "No one's ever happy", "You complain too much", "you're so negative",blah, blah etc:lol

The show is great but there's definitely faults and some plot holes to discuss. Same with everything else. People just don't know how to handle constructive criticism over something they love and getting defensive is the only reaction they know. So sad.


However, I do actually somewhat agree with his premise, as poorly worded and antagonistic as it is.

There does seem to be two camps: the camp (typically made up of older folks) that is devoted to the OT and the “accepted” position within their camp is that if you’re a true lover of SW and the OT characters, then you worship the OT and hate everything about the ST and any other type of new SW (with the exception of R1 since it’s a direct tie-in to their beloved OT) because it’s robbing them of their childhood. Then there’s the camp (typically made up of younger folks) that loves the ST and anything new SW and the agenda it pushes, who feel that anyone who hates anything new about SW and worships the OT is just a boomer who is opposed to any sort of change.

Both sides are overly sensitive to any criticism of the two trilogies depending on which one they hold close to their hearts, and both camps are just as guilty of what they accuse the other camp of.

Consequently, you basically just get a bunch of nerds of various ages doing this:


Then again, liking SW now isn’t really considered as nerdy as it was say 20 years ago when it was more exclusive and not mainstream the way it is now.
Re: The Mandalorian - 1/6th scale The Mandalorian Collectible Figure


However, I do actually somewhat agree with his premise, as poorly worded and antagonistic as it is.

There does seem to be two camps: the camp (typically made up of older folks) that is devoted to the OT and the “accepted” position within their camp is that if you’re a true lover of SW and the OT characters, then you worship the OT and hate everything about the ST and any other type of new SW (with the exception of R1 since it’s a direct tie-in to their beloved OT) because it’s robbing them of their childhood. Then there’s the camp (typically made up of younger folks) that loves the ST and anything new SW and the agenda it pushes, who feel that anyone who hates anything new about SW and worships the OT is just a boomer who is opposed to any sort of change.

Both sides are overly sensitive to any criticism of the two trilogies depending on which one they hold close to their hearts, and both camps are just as guilty of what they accuse the other camp of.

Consequently, you basically just get a bunch of nerds of various ages doing this:


Then again, liking SW now isn’t really considered as nerdy as it was say 20 years ago when it was more exclusive and not mainstream the way it is now.

That seems to be what the media believes. I think it’s far more complicated than that and there’s a spectrum of fans.
I love the ot. Like a lot of the ot and clone wars. Really like rogue one and rebels and the old eu. I can’t get on with the st- and not because I hate all women etc.
I just don’t like it. Weak story and ruins Luke who is like my secondary first favourite character of the whole saga

But if I say I don’t like it people shout at you. Interestingly my 12 year old doesn’t like them much either.

My biggest gripe apart from Luke is that Disney don’t seem to know where they’re going with Star Wars.

The mandalorian- whilst a bit derivative of many things is fun and well made. If the sequels had half it’s brilliance I might feel different
Re: The Mandalorian - 1/6th scale The Mandalorian Collectible Figure

That seems to be what the media believes. I think it’s far more complicated than that and there’s a spectrum of fans.
I love the ot. Like a lot of the ot and clone wars. Really like rogue one and rebels and the old eu. I can’t get on with the st- and not because I hate all women etc.
I just don’t like it. Weak story and ruins Luke who is like my secondary first favourite character of the whole saga

But if I say I don’t like it people shout at you. Interestingly my 12 year old doesn’t like them much either.

My biggest gripe apart from Luke is that Disney don’t seem to know where they’re going with Star Wars.

The mandalorian- whilst a bit derivative of many things is fun and well made. If the sequels had half it’s brilliance I might feel different

Tbh, I’m not sure what the media is saying, as I don’t read very many media related stuff when it comes to films. I’m just basing my assertion from what I read on this forum and how it pertains to this forum. But I do agree that there seems to be more of a spectrum of fans when talking to people in person. There’s some young SW fans who don’t really care for the direction the ST is going but love the OT, and some older SW fans who like the OT and think the ST is decent, so it’s really all over the place.

I love the OT as well. Admittedly mostly for the nostalgia factor, as it does have its own share of flaws film wise. However, it told a cohesive story. PT also told a cohesive story, but I didn’t really like TPM and AotC. I like components of them, but it’s difficult for me to watch either film all the way through. RotS I liked, mostly because I liked Anakin and Obi-Wan in it, and because the film basically got to the point of what the story of that trilogy was supposed to culminate in.

As far as the ST goes, I liked TFA enough, mostly because it took the safe route and simply rehashed the plot of ANH and just added some new, mildly interesting characters who showed some promise. Then TLJ came around and it just seemed like a lot of the character development of those characters took a step backward, and now going into TRoS, I have no idea where they’re going with this, as it’s kind of a mess. Do you pick up from where the characters left off in TFA as if TLJ never happened, or continue course from TLJ? It’s just kind of chaotic to me. However, I actually liked Luke’s character arc and it worked for me. I think I would have handled the lightsaber tossing scene a bit differently, but I get the sentiment it was trying to convey for the character and as I said, his character arc worked for me and I liked it.

Like you said though and based on what I’ve seen on here, either say you like the ST and criticize the OT in any way, or say you dislike the ST, and you get angry hordes of people lambasting you for either one.

R1, I do like as a film, but strangely enough, I also find it somewhat boring at the same time. I’m not sure if it’s because it’s just a one and done film and I can’t really get into the characters enough to care about them, or because the plot of the film is so precise in simply showing how they obtained the plans for the DS. I’m not sure. Like I said, I like the film, but it’s not really a go to SW film for me.

I’ve only seen one episode of Mandalorian, and like it so far.
Not to mention a guy that supposedly has sexual intercourse with droids ignored C-3PO as if he weren't even there.

Look....I know I'm a crotchety old man at the ripe old age of 42. (Honestly, I don't feel that old but I've been called a boomer so often lately I'm wondering where my AARP card is. Come on....42 isn't THAT old!)

But I totally understand how kids these days can see things we loved from the 80s and think it's for example all the sexual assault that I personally found hilarious and justified in "Revenge of the Nerds" in 1984, (and the blatant racism and homophobia)....but even I have to admit that now....holy christ man, those guys should all likely do some time for what they did.

(Except Dudley "Booger" Dawson....he'll never not be awesome to me....come on, he's been combing the high schools all day looking for a date!)

But to take something innocent and innocuous like freaking STAR WARS.....come on people.....STAR WARS.....and try to shoehorn gender identity and pansexuality and intersectionality (whatever the hell that is) into what was harmless, wholesome entertainment just comes off as mean-spirited and ugly to me.

First of all, Lando was introduced because even in the 70s people complained that there were no black people in SW!! So they introduced this cool, suave, ladies man. Yeah, he was shady...but he redeemed himself in the end. He was a cool, complex character.

He did NOT want to **** C-3PO.

Siiiiigh......I've gone from being a Goonie to being freaking Mama Fratelli.


There are so many classic movies that couldn't be made today. I called in sick yesterday and Animal House was on - good luck passing that one through the studios today. And you can just forget Blazing Saddles.:lol
And you can just forget Blazing Saddles.:lol

That's one that was amazing it got made even back then. :lol

A classic nonetheless.

Revisionist history is pretty sad. I remember studying DW Griffith, the father of cinema, in college... but its been a long time since anyone was able to even whisper that name. Wonder when Hitchcock will just be too much to bear for future kids?