He should have the helmet off as little as possible. Limit it to in the ship when just with Boda. But even then I would prefer with helmet.
Yeah, but suspect there's a good chunk of the audience - and Favreau probably knows this - after a while finds a constantly masked character kinda hard to connect to, over the long term. Too robot-like appearance. tho give Pascal kudos for voice work d@mn good actor

. (Although I got pretty connected to IG-11 and K2-SO, but they're not *hero leads*

Like Favreau had him slip helmet off pretty early on and eating, and stuff like fixing his armor - keeping him human, like. Guessing that u could have a big reveal seasons in, like Vader or something, but that's not the kind of character Favreau was building.
I'm good with seein' Pascal now and again, 'coz unless ur Vader or an alien or something - or an assassin - after a while I'd be like u gotta take the thing off sometime it's getting kinda gross

etc. But don't think it'll be some constant thing either. Unless a few season in they do some complicated story where he gives up the helmet to save Baby but ends up being Mandalore anyway. Or walks off into sunset.
Hopefully not for a while 'coz I am way too into this show

- now I need the art book and the 24 x 36" poster.

And thanks to Favreau and Filoni and Taika for having a satisfying break point to Season 1 IMO.