I just want the eventual finale to be after Baby Yoda dies which prompts 50 year old Mando to answer Lando's call and go ballistic on a bunch of Exegol Star Destroyers.
Fer sure. I mean, Sauron sort of hung around for hundreds of years - legend becomes myth and all that - by hiding himself in a golden
So like, Star Wars episode #57 is set 1,000 years after super-Rey established a Platinum Age in the Galaxy (where everyone got SDCC tickets
no matter when they logged in and u could eat all the bacon loaded cheese fries u wanted and not get fat - or like, just plain die.)
But as light rises, so does the shadow - little did super-Rey know that, like Sauron, Palps had hidden his POWER in a *precious* Macguffin....
Super-Rey's purple-green dual-gender progeny consumes the ancient Pez and its head is spinning around 180 with glowing eyes with the patented Palps laugh,
so Kylo's great great great great great great granddaughter (by way of some lowly stormtrooper who'd been trying to make her way
up the ladder the old-fashioned way, long ago
) despairingly begs Lando for advice. (Lando was honored by being pickled in a big
jar like that thing from Dr. Who, so u can still commune with Lando - even if he sounds like he has a mouthful of Jello).
Lando tells Kylo multi-great granddaughter to perform the Rite of Sequel, a perfectly safe ritual with guaranteed returns. "Perform the Ritual and bring back the Mandalorian; ignore those pesky timelines - just make sure he has lots of weapons. Then pop over to Tattooine - and lo,
epic music will play, and there u will find the son of Baby Yoda working in a bar, floating drinks to customers. Finally, u must learn to use katanas, just because they look cool - if functionally useless against a blaster. I have spoken".