Super Freak
Still no concept art released from Chapter 16?...
No new ?The Gallery? episodes guess it was a one off
It's amazing how much he looks like Hamill.
Yeah, but I can't escape the impression that The Winter Soldier is staring down Vader and about to up and kill him.
I really don't see the resemblance between Mark Hamill and Sebastian Stan, never have. Every comparisson I've seen has been heavily edited to make them look more alike.
Yeah, but I can't escape the impression that The Winter Soldier is staring down Vader and about to up and kill him.
Lens Crafters is running a NewYears special discount, you might want to take advantage of that.I really don't see the resemblance between Mark Hamill and Sebastian Stan, never have. Every comparisson I've seen has been heavily edited to make them look more alike.
He [George Lucas] is also now saying that ... he has a ton of respect for JJ and RJ and that both of them are hardcore SW fans.
I really don't see the resemblance between Mark Hamill and Sebastian Stan, never have. Every comparisson I've seen has been heavily edited to make them look more alike.
Well, Hamill and Stan accept that there's a resemblance; they even joke about it to each other as Dad and son etc. Whether a rather radical? part of the fan base is ready to accept a re-cast is debatable. Dunno if Stan would want to put up with the *&^% that comes with being part of SW either. Personally I think it's time vs. trying to use tech to fake it, but far as I can tell the majority? of SW fans were happy; so that's that.
Well, wasn't that what so many wanted, Luke-the-bad-ass?
I guess. I didn't hate seeing him but didn't need to. I would have enjoyed an entire series without any legacy characters, but Grogu being all Force-y somewhat painted them into a corner ... it was Luke or a random Jedi which was possible I guess, but another can of worms.
I'm along for the ride, but I'm not a fan of the Kitchen Sink approach.
If they had Stan in the role IMO they could just use the tech on his face for all the close-ups but it wouldn't really be needed for stuff like action scenes. Given the similarities in their bone structure I think it would easily look as good as what they did with SLJ in Captain Marvel. Of course if they went this route SS would also have to agree to have his dialogue dubbed by MH, and that seems unlikely.
George must now want to sell Howard the Duck and Willow to Disney.
Hamill revealed he was paid $1,000 gross a week for ANH production!
I'm surprised it was that high Lucas was a nobody with a goofy idea.
He is also now saying that NOT having a scene with all 3 together in the ST had the effect of making the OT that much more unique and special and it was just meant to be this way he has a ton of respect for JJ and RJ and that both of them are hardcore SW fans.
Well this is interesting.
I'd never heard that theory and honestly if that's the way they want to go then that would actually be pretty straightforward and simple.
For those who don't click on the video they're basically suggesting that there already are two timelines existing parallel to one another in SW along the lines of what we saw in Endgame due to Ezra going back in time in Rebels to save Ahsoka. And that everything after that moment where Ahsoka was pulled through the World Between Worlds portal is now a new and parallel reality. And in the new reality Ahsoka lives through the OT, encounters Grogu and directs him to Luke which will create a butterfly effect that prevents ST events from happening and Luke going into exile.
And the ST is what happens in the *original* reality where Ahsoka dies.
Honestly if they want to do that in an attempt to please everybody I'd be totally fine with it. Do I personally think it's dumb to have a SW multiverse? Absolutely. But the beauty of this particular scenario is that it's an alternate universe that exists completely within the context of television which makes it very easy for people like me to ignore. Rebels and Mandalorian would just be a new timeline that branches off of the one true film canon (heh heh.) Sure, go ahead, give some fans a completely alternate ST that they can enjoy on the small screen forevermore.
If Mando proves to be in a different universe than the ST then I'll just consider it a lesser side canon and will go back to enjoying the live-action films as their own thing and my preferred and "true" SW universe. Everybody wins. Go for it, why not.