The Mandalorian (Star Wars Live Action Series)

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I was wondering... is there any mention of the Jawas being an interplanetary, space-faring species in the EU? I always thought of them as indigenous/exclusive to Tattooine, like the Tusken Raiders.

I can see some stowing away or something but it is kind of weird that it isn't just off-world Jawas - it's also an off-world sandcrawler, and the exact same one seen on-world on Tatooine. How did that happen?:lol Like a whole Jawa tribe got banished and took their Partridge family bus with them.

It raises another interesting question - do all Jawa "tribes" have the exact same vehicle... and why? You'd sort of think Jawa vehicles would be all made of scavenged stuff, so each one unique and sorta hand-made, not this uniform vehicle all the time.

Did some wealthy Jawa own the Buick dealership franchise on Tatooine and give all his people a good deal on the same model? So all the cousin and second cousin tribes got a new '76 Buick Electra?

And did they explain why a Jawa that's not on Tatooine would have red eyes instead of yellow?
I can see some stowing away or something but it is kind of weird that it isn't just off-world Jawas - it's also an off-world sandcrawler, and the exact same one seen on-world on Tatooine. How did that happen?:lol Like a whole Jawa tribe got banished and took their Partridge family bus with them.

It raises another interesting question - do all Jawa "tribes" have the exact same vehicle... and why? You'd sort of think Jawa vehicles would be all made of scavenged stuff, so each one unique and sorta hand-made, not this uniform vehicle all the time.

Did some wealthy Jawa own the Buick dealership franchise on Tatooine and give all his people a good deal on the same model? So all the cousin and second cousin tribes got a new '76 Buick Electra?

And did they explain why a Jawa that's not on Tatooine would have red eyes instead of yellow?

Probably the same dealership that sold Clark Griswold his Wagon Queen Family Truckster ....

Screenshot_2019-11-25 Pinterest - Chile.jpg
[...] It raises another interesting question - do all Jawa "tribes" have the exact same vehicle... and why?


And did they explain why a Jawa that's not on Tatooine would have red eyes instead of yellow?

Favreau's next project needs to be Way Of The Jawa.

I want a series and a blockbuster feature film trilogy outta that one. :rock
YOu missed my post.

It's safe to say the Jawas appearing was purely a money and marketing decision.

Speculate all you want, of course Disney is going to say they're space nomad junk dealers NOW. It supports their choice to use Jawas instead of spending money to come up with something new.

Unlike Banthas, Tauntauns, Blurggs, etc., Jawas are a sentient and evolved species. Also, space travel is commonplace in this galaxy. If Wookies can travel off their home world, why is so hard to believe that Jawas would do likewise? And who knows, maybe their sand crawlers actually double as space crafts & we just haven't seen that on screen yet. Now that would be something to blow viewers' minds. :lol
I agree that The Mandalorian is ok based off of every other live action project that Disney has done. And that's about it. It still isn't as good as Rebels but I will give it time. The whole we don't take our helmets off thing off is lame and really makes the character development harder than it needs to be. And we have seen Mandalore before now and this is just now being brought up? Maybe it's just this sect but it's so unnecessary. "Baby Yoda" is cute but he can already move stuff with The Force? It was stupid when Rey could suddenly use the Force without training and it's dumb here too.
I agree that The Mandalorian is ok based off of every other live action project that Disney has done. And that's about it. It still isn't as good as Rebels but I will give it time. The whole we don't take our helmets off thing off is lame and really makes the character development harder than it needs to be. And we have seen Mandalore before now and this is just now being brought up? Maybe it's just this sect but it's so unnecessary. "Baby Yoda" is cute but he can already move stuff with The Force? It was stupid when Rey could suddenly use the Force without training and it's dumb here too.

Are you really comparing this to a subpar cartoon that got cancelled due to nobody watching it?

The "baby Yoda" was born with force powers and has spent 50 years so far SLOWLY learning how to use them, the best he can do is lift a creature for about 20 seconds and then pass out, plus as far as we know his parents could of been training him up to the point he was abducted... then you have Rey, no signs of force powers and then all of a sudden a light switch flips and she's a Jedi Master, It's not even comparable IMO... The only way the Rey story can be saved is if she's a programed clone with force powers to activate under certain conditions... but from the interviews from Abrams it kind of sounds like her powers are meant to be natural, so if that's the case it's just kind of sad that a writer would trivialize the force so badly...
I always figured Jawas were a pretty common species (with slight variations kind of like rats on Earth) of scavengers across the galaxy. As far as their Sandcrawlers - it's just a tool of their trade like our garbage trucks. There's differences but they serve the same purpose.
Jawas travelling to other planets is pretty believable. I mean, they would want to, why wouldn't they? As for having Sandcrawlers - I don't see why they couldn't be shipped whole from Tatooine on huge ships that can land. We saw in AOTC those Republic Star Destroyers taking off from the ground. The Jawas would just need to pay for the privilege I suppose.
Are you really comparing this to a subpar cartoon that got cancelled due to nobody watching it?

The "baby Yoda" was born with force powers and has spent 50 years so far SLOWLY learning how to use them, the best he can do is lift a creature for about 20 seconds and then pass out, then you have Rey, no signs of force powers and then all of a sudden a light switch flips and she's a Jedi Master, It's not even comparable IMO... The only way the Rey story can be saved is if she's a programed clone with force powers to activate under certain conditions... but from the interviews from Abrams it kind of sounds like her powers are meant to be natural, so if that's the case it's just kind of sad that a writer would trivialize the force so badly...

How do you know he has been "trained"? And they started training him as soon as he came out (or was hatched)? As far as we can tell by his actions and communications he is maybe at a toddler level for his species. It would be like comparing what a puppy can do at 2 years compared to what a human baby can do. The puppy can already fend for itself and even procreate while the baby is still mastering walking. Yoda's people age and mature MUCH slower. He's still in a crib for god's sake.
Baby Yoda is harder to believe than the offworld Jawas - still being an infant at 50 years old? How does a species like that survive? I sorta just throw my hands up and say Star Wars at that one.
Baby Yoda is harder to believe than the offworld Jawas - still being an infant at 50 years old? How does a species like that survive? I sorta just throw my hands up and say Star Wars at that one.

Well I get the impression that there aren't that many of them in the first place since other than Yaddle no other "Yodas" were ever shown even in the alien-packed PT. I don't think they even had their own spot in the Senate.

And I know we call him "Baby Yoda" but as mentioned he could still walk and catch live food.