The Mandalorian (Star Wars Live Action Series)

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Yeah, I don't think they really thought out the whole 50 year toddler thing. Might have worked better if he was more comparable to a 6-7 year old? He would still be cute and could have conceivably received a tiny bit of training.
Here some animals stay with their parents for a few months. Some animals stay with their parents for decades. Perhaps BY was kidnapped.
So even Jawas that were handled appropriately and given an amazing scene is not good SW because they?re not original characters.

They truly are damned if they do damned if they don?t.

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Jawas travelling to other planets is pretty believable. I mean, they would want to, why wouldn't they? As for having Sandcrawlers - I don't see why they couldn't be shipped whole from Tatooine on huge ships that can land. We saw in AOTC those Republic Star Destroyers taking off from the ground. The Jawas would just need to pay for the privilege I suppose.

Or Sandcrawlers are simply the main thing that Jawas know how to build and so they just scavenge the necessary parts on whatever planet they're on. I mean it's not like I ever pictured that they bought them at a Sandcrawler Dealership (lol) so whatever they did to build them on Tatooine could just apply to any other planet. :)
I love the "no taking off the helmets" thing but I might have to assume that the female armorsmith meant "in the presence of others." Otherwise it's kind of funny trying to picturing them sleeping with the helmets on in bed or always having to drink through a bendy straw, lol.

I readily admit that there's stuff to poke fun at with this series but I don't care. It's pure 100% SW and I love it. I even like chunky Favreau Mando. Sure it's a little gratuitous to have him write his out of shape shelf as a badass warrior but hell he earned it and watching it a second time I thought his girth actually gave him a cool Viking-esque vibe (not too unlike Fat Thor during EG's final battle I suppose.)

Plus millions of chubby cosplayers suddenly have an appropriate costume to wear at all future Celebrations now, lol.
They released a photo of Mando working out

Baby Yoda is harder to believe than the offworld Jawas - still being an infant at 50 years old? How does a species like that survive? I sorta just throw my hands up and say Star Wars at that one.

Add to that the fact that he's going to have to mature really damn quick in the next 50 years since we know that Yoda was *training Jedi* at around 100 years old. Unless the baby was in some sort of stasis during much of that 50 years, the aging/maturity process of this species would seem pretty inconsistent and difficult to understand. The explanation might very well be given in this series later, but it is a bit confusing for now.

So even Jawas that were handled appropriately and given an amazing scene is not good SW because they?re not original characters.

They truly are damned if they do damned if they don?t.

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The points that TaliBane made about the Jawas are the same thoughts and questions I had too, from knowing that this wasn't Tatooine. But you and TaliBane both know, as I know, why they were presented in the same familiar way (sandcrawler and all) on a different planet (yet also very familiar): nostalgia. Plain and simple.

What the fan reaction to The Mandalorian has reinforced for me (and what Favreau knew more clearly than Disney) is that to make the highest percentage of them satisfied, you've gotta feed them tons of nostalgia. Give them as much familiarity with their childhoods as possible, and worry about explaining discrepancies later.

This show is giving people Boba Fett without calling him that. Giving them Yoda, but as a baby. Giving them Jawas and a sandcrawler. Old school stormtroopers. Carbon freezing (with the exact same type of slab! :lol). Tatooine . . . but not called "Tatooine." And it's all making fans very happy.

Some of it makes little sense to me in this post-ROTJ, non-Tatooine planet, but it doesn't matter. For example, carbon freezing was *tested* on Bespin in ESB, and it took a huge facility to do it. Six years later, a bounty hunter who is short on funds has a carbon freezing chamber *built into his ship.* Doesn't seem to bother anyone (and it probably shouldn't).

The carbon freezing thing (much like "off-world Jawas") can be explained away with fan theories and hand waving. But there are legitimate plot points in this series that make little to no sense whatsoever and are still being ignored by the same fanbase that has been greedily picking nits for the last couple of years. IMO, that's all because of the heavy dose of nostalgia being served up here.

This has been a very interesting and eye-opening experience to sit back and analyze fan reaction.
Just curious as to what you guys think of the music.

It still hasn't won me over but I guess I'm getting used to it and it is not as distracting anymore.

Definitely different from the usual orchestral soundtrack that we've come to expect in a Star Wars offering.

It does provide an almost "Western style theme" to the show and I guess that works so far.
Add to that the fact that he's going to have to mature really damn quick in the next 50 years since we know that Yoda was *training Jedi* at around 100 years old. Unless the baby was in some sort of stasis during much of that 50 years, the aging/maturity process of this species would seem pretty inconsistent and difficult to understand. The explanation might very well be given in this series later, but it is a bit confusing for now.

Oh yeah! ''For 800 years have I trained jedi. My own council will I keep on who is to be trained''. And Yoda was 900. Well...rounded up or down I assume. They say Chewie is 200 but what would be the odds that they were both exactly 900 and 200 respectively.
Some of it makes little sense to me in this post-ROTJ, non-Tatooine planet, but it doesn't matter. For example, carbon freezing was *tested* on Bespin in ESB, and it took a huge facility to do it. Six years later, a bounty hunter who is short on funds has a carbon freezing chamber *built into his ship.* Doesn't seem to bother anyone (and it probably shouldn't).

I'm fine with that because Vader called out Cloud City's freezing facilities as "crude." That gives leeway to assume that there were/are more advanced freezing mechanisms elsewhere. Or Jabba's public decoration of Han got so famous that it prompted other hunters to upgrade their ships accordingly.

What the fan reaction to The Mandalorian has reinforced for me (and what Favreau knew more clearly than Disney) is that to make the highest percentage of them satisfied, you've gotta feed them tons of nostalgia. Give them as much familiarity with their childhoods as possible, and worry about explaining discrepancies later.

You're not the first person to state this but I think it's ignoring the fact that simply throwing nostalgia on screen is not an easy or guaranteed method to win fans over. Case in point TFA. That was much more derivative storytelling than Mando and legions of fans called them out on it.

Mando is doing it correctly IMO. Preserving the familiar so that we still feel like we're in the same universe while telling new stories that aren't note for note copycats of previous adventures.
You're not the first person to state this but I think it's ignoring the fact that simply throwing nostalgia on screen is not an easy or guaranteed method to win fans over. Case in point TFA. That was much more derivative storytelling than Mando and legions of fans called them out on it.

Well, of course it's harder to justify beat-by-beat copying of older stories. That's a different issue, though. But even so, when TFA came out there was a much more positive overall reaction to it within the fanbase than there is now. The TFA thread in this very forum is proof of how pleased many were with it in spite of the objections about copying ANH. IMO, that's because TFA had plenty of 'member berries to drown out objections to the lack of creativity (and actual storytelling problems).

Nostalgia is the lifeblood of SW. For better or worse, I think that's just a reality. I think satisfaction with nostalgia prevents much of the same sorts of objections/nitpicks that would otherwise be raised ad nauseam. Despite its other failings, I think even the PT would've been more embraced had it contained a stronger sense of familiarity/nostalgia with the OT.

Since most of this fanbase is still composed of those of us who grew up on the OT, it is specifically the OT familiarity that gets the dopamine flowing. In the future, it will eventually need to be something else.
ajp are you implying that a:

A. Female lead, feel good nostalgia fueled SW series is deemed a full failure


B. A white male lead, feel good nostalgia fueled series is celebrated as super successful


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ajp are you implying that a:

A. Female lead, feel good nostalgia fueled SW series is deemed a full failure


B. A white male lead, feel good nostalgia fueled series is celebrated as super successful


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I'm not going anywhere near that. :lol

I'm just looking at, and discussing, the nostalgia factor here.
Just curious as to what you guys think of the music.

It still hasn't won me over but I guess I'm getting used to it and it is not as distracting anymore.

Definitely different from the usual orchestral soundtrack that we've come to expect in a Star Wars offering.

It does provide an almost "Western style theme" to the show and I guess that works so far.

It’s definitely grown on me but I’ve never found it too distracting to begin with.

ajp are you implying that a:

A. Female lead, feel good nostalgia fueled SW series is deemed a full failure


B. A white male lead, feel good nostalgia fueled series is celebrated as super successful


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I knew at least one of the ST crowd was going to "return fire" when Mandalorian came out :monkey3

Star Wars absolutely relies on Nostalgia. As pointed out it doesn't guarantee success. For yet another example look at the prequels. They tried constantly to draw parallels to OT.

Umm yup lol

But I do have more than one bullet in my shirt pocket lol

Well all kidding aside I agree with Khev (I know I know shocker lol) it takes meticulous skill to reuse elements properly and I actually disliked TFA opening night it took 2 years for me to finally sort out and appreciate what worked but still be bummed out with what didn?t.

I still hate HATE Finn?s forced humor with Han on star killer base when Finn was asking him why he was moving his head a certain way you know which scene i?m talking about right ughh so cringeworthy.

Finn and Poe were so underdeveloped just to waste time on Fisher?s daughter and other characters and cameos saying nonsensical useless lines.

Anyways regarding the feel good nostalgia factor of over using certain elements I think Mando is handling it much better than the ST and that?s just 1.5 hours into Mando!

It just feels organic and is flowing more naturally in Mando.

Anyways that?s my rant you know that i?m not a ST hater and i?m still cautiously excited for IX just hoping it?s a grand finale with a respectable payoff.

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I love the "no taking off the helmets" thing but I might have to assume that the female armorsmith meant "in the presence of others." Otherwise it's kind of funny trying to picturing them sleeping with the helmets on in bed or always having to drink through a bendy straw, lol.

I readily admit that there's stuff to poke fun at with this series but I don't care. It's pure 100% SW and I love it. I even like chunky Favreau Mando. Sure it's a little gratuitous to have him write his out of shape shelf as a badass warrior but hell he earned it and watching it a second time I thought his girth actually gave him a cool Viking-esque vibe (not too unlike Fat Thor during EG's final battle I suppose.)

Plus millions of chubby cosplayers suddenly have an appropriate costume to wear at all future Celebrations now, lol.

They could have this sect of Mandos that's all obese - the Boba Fat clan - that through CGI magic, Favreau could play all of them.:yess:

Instead of the skull on their shoulder armor they could have an abstracted Taco Bell symbol.
