The Mandalorian (Star Wars Live Action Series)

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yeah but it's pretty popular opinion that Disney doesn't want KK to be any sort of scapegoat. She has too long a history in Hollywood. Plus Disney doesnt need those negative headlines either.

They'll let her finish the trilogy and gracefully step away. The succession plan is already becoming more visible with the Marvel A-team becoming more involved.

I mean no one really should wish her bad. She was chosen by George. But things didn't go the right way for George. It was his plan to remain involved creatively but not run the whole show. But Bob and JJ didn't want to run it that way.

Anyway listen to Rebel Force Radio and their excellent timeline on how all this went down, or read Bob Igers biography. It's all there.

This I think is probably true:

IMO much will always depend on writing, writing, writing and these forced film production schedules. IMO Captain Marvel undermined itself 'coz it seemed forced to many, and had an uneven tone e.g thing 6-7 writers were involved. That showed in Infinity War as well. The SW prequel Attack of the Clones left Christensen struggling - who was the future embodiment of DARKNESS - with the script so he didn't come off like whiny man-baby:thwak - some awful stuff, srsly. Like sand is scratchy? Then there was the *&^% about Leia's mother dying, when Leia would say she remembered her mother WTF.

So I do blame Kennedy for some degree for I think, influencing more *&^$ writing. Starting with the "Force is Female" BS - and it wouldn't have mattered if it were another world and it was "The Force is Male! All-boy! and FU!!!". 'Coz that instantly undermines the entire concept of "balance" and life energy doesn't have gender. More *&^% writing:pfft: and lack of organic storytelling that violates rules of an already-established created world.

IMO Mandalorian is succeeding - at least for me - under Favreau's style, among other things. Like he knows that not over-explaining - such as the original IM scenes of Tony sketching out his armor in 3D - along with good editing, tells a far better story. Pepper isn't a guy 'coz Tony having a transgender secretary would be politically correct. Gonna guess - pure guess - that KK is feelin' a little singed right now, and also Favreau has some clout to keep bosses from bein' too much of a pain. Like Feige who also pushed off an interfering boss and made Disney billions. Hard to argue with success and fan love $$$$$$.
Much anger I sense in you... :peace

About little Ani...
Granted, I am a PT apologist, but let me see if I can put forth good arguments.

The kid is the chosen one. We know that from the start. IIRC, it's in the trailers (just checked, it is). So, as a moviegoer, anything he does has that little bit of information going for him. Not to mention old Ben's comments in ANH about him being generally awesome. So you go into the movie understanding that little Ani is special. On top of that (being a slave) little Ani works in a junkyard, repairing and preparing all kinds of devices, machines and ships. On top of that, all through his introduction in the movie he is shown to be skilled at building things (C-3PO, his own Pod Racer) and commended for being the only "human" who can race those things. So throughout the build up to this movie, and during said movie, we have been led to expect little Ani to have special skills. On top of that (as has been mentioned before) he pretty much blunders into destroying the droid army.
So, actually, it is quite easy to accept his feats.

Poor Rey had none of that.
Little Ani is a skilled pod racer who accidentally launches into battle in a single seater fighter, is aided by a combat veteran Astro-Mech unit and by sheer luck (almost getting killed) gets off a "one in a million" shot that destroys the command ship.
Rey is a scavenger who rides a speeder, is not known to have any special technical or piloting skills, who jumps into SW's version of a two-man cargo/fighter-bomber and just immediately masters it (sure, there's a few dicey moments, but comen on...).

You bring up the novel, but I would argue that that is irrelevant, as you shouldn't have to read a book to understand a movie.
Also, you imply that knowing how to fly a speeder qualifies Rey to fly the frigging Millenium Falcon, but building and piloting a pod racer does not qualify (the chosen one force sensitive) Anakin to fly a single seater (on auto-pilot for most of the way) with the help of an Astro-Mech droid? Where's the logic in that? :dunno
You also state that we are led to assume Rey has been using the Force while scavenging -and this is not a rhetorical question, as I don't remember that- but when or how were we led to assume that?

You say that, in the end, when Rey is shown to be who she is, it all will make sense... that may be so, but I'm not sure that works stretched out over three movies. I think that, regarding Rey, the damage is done. I don't think she was written well enough to give her a pass on past sins. And I'm not a Rey hater. I just think she wasn't very well written. Like the ST so far...

I liked Rey's intro. She knew enough that the Falcon hadn't flown in years, and was familiar with the junkyard etc. Agree tho that the fact she is powerful with the Force is introduced abruptly. A small scene of her floating something by accident, or something weird happening and her being freaked out about it, would've helped a lot - if in the next movie ur gonna say "it's always been there. And now it's awake". Coz to me that's a pretty weighty thing to say, but it's not even like Frodo hearing the Ring kinda hiss at him when Gandalf if talking. For Rey there is no foreshadowing, at all. So suddenly she's all powerful and it comes off kinda stupid.

And then there was Annie, but a lot of that film is cringe for me anyway. Let me count the ways.:devil

*Yeah Mandalorian*:love:cool:
This show is so overrated , it's making me scared for the rest of the marvel shows to come out . By comparison to other shows it's so basic and banking on nostalgia and if I were to compare it to Let's say Jack Ryan on amazon were each episode is moving the plot along this is a poor effort.

I just hope the marvel tv shows do better , the netflicks show had their share of issues but I thought they would have learned by now.

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This show is so overrated , it's making me scared for the rest of the marvel shows to come out . By comparison to other shows it's so basic and banking on nostalgia and if I were to compare it to Let's say Jack Ryan on amazon were each episode is moving the plot along this is a poor effort.

I just hope the marvel tv shows do better , the netflicks show had their share of issues but I thought they would have learned by now.

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I don't think it's overrated, but luv is blind:cool:. Tho I'm not blind in the sense that the less-than-50-minute shows is mildly irritating:crying, tho maybe it helps re quality over quantity. For me nostalgia isn't the draw, if folks mean "wow, there's Jawas and one of those lizard things roasting!" Too much of that is a problem anyway.

For me it's that *intangible thing* when everything comes together:clap. Editing, script, cast and crew that re interviews are clearly happy and happy with show's reception - tho Hollywood has mostly BS interviews just feels like a happy group. Intriguing aesthetics.

Not worried about Marvel shows either, mainly 'coz Disney is pouring money into them and is under even more pressure now. Can't find the article, but had read something where Malcolm Spellman (Falcon/Winter Soldier) - just to me, came off as confident and definitely someone making this show his own. E.g., he's owning it, which IMO is always a good sign, succeed or fail. The way Feige talks about the new TV to movie crossovers, these series seem more like movies themselves set within theater movies.
Feige added that the Disney+ Loki series will be so large, and history-spanning in scale that its story is really something that could only be told over the course of a longform story, which really makes it seem as if when these series launch, they?re going to be required watching for MCU completionists.

Goes without sayin' tho different strokes. Am no big fan of IW, and most of world seems to luv *shrug*. Didn't find either IW or EG "satisfying":pfft: no matter what Russos and writers say.

But they did some good stuff with IW and EG. Feel bad for SW fans if there's so much negativity they will never, ever, find anything positive about TROS. Or maybe even Mandalorian - and that is NOT what ur post is saying. But I do think for some, for them, TLJ has stained anything remotely positive about TROS.
What would’ve happened to the child if the Mando hadn’t rescued him.
The Empire knows the species is delish.
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Man what a year for Favreau. From promising cheeseburgers to Morgan Stark in EG (aw) to hilariously trying to throw a shield like Cap in SMFFH to striking gold with Lion King and now creating Mando and playing a badass warrior on the same show.
Sorry , Little Ani was what? 9?

Building a car, racing it, then flying an airplane at 9??? Bumbling into destroying the station??? Gimme a break, at 9 he should not have even been able to figure out any of that. Especially considering he was suppose to be a slave...

I know you guys hate ST, but try not to defend that position with stupid comparisons.

Rey is 19. We are led to assume she has been unconsciously been using the force in some ways by her scavenging. She only ?wakes? to it later in TFA. In the novel it clearly states she flys the ship in the junk yard for her captor.

She obviously know something about ships and flying as she pilots a land speeder (at 19) and knows the parts of the ship inside out from scavenging.

I have a much easier time believing a 19 year old scrapper could fly a ship, over a 9 year old SLAVE. They both had force powers too, so that sorta cancels out.

In the end, when Rey is shown to be whom she is, all this will make total sense. Of course , that will not matter to anyone who wants her to be some female torch bearer, they will see what they want, regardless of total and complete explanations of her abilities.

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....

Agreed, let's just call it even. Rey = Ani in a Mary-Sue face-off.

I do give Ani the edge though because he yells "Yippee!" whenever he achieves a Mary-Sue success, making them easier to count.
Man what a year for Favreau. From promising cheeseburgers to Morgan Stark in EG (aw) to hilariously trying to throw a shield like Cap in SMFFH to striking gold with Lion King and now creating Mando and playing a badass warrior on the same show.

He's had quite the career actually. From humble beginnings...
:lol :lol :lol @ Captain Clown

Agreed, let's just call it even. Rey = Ani in a Mary-Sue face-off.

I do give Ani the edge though because he yells "Yippee!" whenever he achieves a Mary-Sue success, making them easier to count.

Not quite even. Anakin got soundly beaten by Dooku, the first serious Jedi antagonist we saw him battle.
Sorry , Little Ani was what? 9?

Building a car, racing it, then flying an airplane at 9??? Bumbling into destroying the station??? Gimme a break, at 9 he should not have even been able to figure out any of that. Especially considering he was suppose to be a slave...

I know you guys hate ST, but try not to defend that position with stupid comparisons.

Rey is 19. We are led to assume she has been unconsciously been using the force in some ways by her scavenging. She only ?wakes? to it later in TFA. In the novel it clearly states she flys the ship in the junk yard for her captor.

She obviously know something about ships and flying as she pilots a land speeder (at 19) and knows the parts of the ship inside out from scavenging.

I have a much easier time believing a 19 year old scrapper could fly a ship, over a 9 year old SLAVE. They both had force powers too, so that sorta cancels out.

In the end, when Rey is shown to be whom she is, all this will make total sense. Of course , that will not matter to anyone who wants her to be some female torch bearer, they will see what they want, regardless of total and complete explanations of her abilities.

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....

"In the novel" - bad movie (script) when you need to refer to a novel for answers (one of current-world SW biggest problems).

"She obviously know something about ships and flying as she pilots a land speeder (at 19) and knows the parts of the ship inside out from scavenging" - just because I drive a manual car, doesn't mean I automatically know how to drive a (double-clutch) Lamborghini, Nascar, F1, or truck (and pull off the precision moves like she's did in TFA).

Sorry to dial in, but...

...and I'm not defending the PT's either - all lazy script writing for the ease of convenience.
You know...maybe part of the problem is Star Wars fans. Myself included. We eat up the media integration (so they're cheeky enough to put exposition into comics and novels -- which I don't read for the most part but many do) -- and worst of all it seems, we're so willing to do the work for them:

We endlessly theorize, project, extrapolate. It's like all they need to do is throw TIEs on a screen and we spend the rest of our lives rationalizing it. :rotfl

I'm being a bit glib but still...
Man what a year for Favreau. From promising cheeseburgers to Morgan Stark in EG (aw) to hilariously trying to throw a shield like Cap in SMFFH to striking gold with Lion King and now creating Mando and playing a badass warrior on the same show.

That?s insane even his Chef show on NF is a hit sheesh lol

Agreed, let's just call it even. Rey = Ani in a Mary-Sue face-off.

I do give Ani the edge though because he yells "Yippee!" whenever he achieves a Mary-Sue success, making them easier to count.


He's had quite the career actually. From humble beginnings...

He was the best part about Daredevil lol

:lol :lol :lol @ Captain Clown

Not quite even. Anakin got soundly beaten by Dooku, the first serious Jedi antagonist we saw him battle.

With ObiWan helping no less!

Dooku is a mary sue lol

Um yeah it made 1.6 billion, second only to EG, lol.

It doesn't matter what you thought of the movie (I can't comment as I didn't see it) but it's the definition of striking box office gold.

Acted in the first and third highest grossing films of the year, directed the second highest. Not bad.

LK has crazy box office numbers.

Don?t forget Jungle Book AND he?s the first MCU director AND he brought on RDJ lol

Jesus H

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