Super Freak
Re: The Apple Tablet "The iPad"
What does this thing retail for? I'm pretty sure I want one now.
What does this thing retail for? I'm pretty sure I want one now.
What does this thing retail for? I'm pretty sure I want one now.
I would go with this hands down. Seriously if I didn't have major expenses coming up this thing would be in my hands now and I would be on my couch with it.
I found a video of the comic app in action. Looks pretty cool.
Foxtrot did it better, and earlier (from 4 weeks ago):
I finally got to mess with this last night and as cool as it was, I am still going to wait for v2.0 - This thing should have come with a camera and the ability to multi-task at the very least.
I would use this to iChat or Skype easily and having a real USB port would allow me to hook up a wireless card instead of being locked into an AT&T service.
I think HP has a better solution for the hardware but I'm not sold on the Windows 7 aspect of it.
Maybe v2.0 will steal the dual camera, HDMI, SD Card, and USB portions from what HP is releasing.
Meh...full OS = low battery life = what's the point of a portable device?? Windows 7 isn't even optimized for touch screen applications is it??
~~With he iPhone's upcoming OS upgrade with multitasking I'm willing to bet that Apple is working out the kinks and gonna upgrade the iPad for the same. I'm still waiting for a full on public released iPad hack. Apple's claim for excellent battery life is also spot on. I haven't run this through the motions, but I've only had to hook it up to the charger once since I've owned it.