The Next SSC 12 inch GIJoe figure is . . . .

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Hot Toys Joes really wouldn't be that much better. Portrait paint yes, body probably(I can't speak for this latest Pro.), but everything else has very little room for improvement. Plus HT would make five figures tops and at least two would be the same character.
Hot Toys Joes really wouldn't be that much better. Portrait paint yes, body probably(I can't speak for this latest Pro.), but everything else has very little room for improvement. Plus HT would make five figures tops and at least two would be the same character.

And the ____ing right knee of the body would break out of the box, or the wrist pegs would snap or someone'd get a Joe with two right arms. As odd as the Pro might seem, it's hands down more durable than the TT. Owning a few HT military figures, I can say, really, the only difference would be the headsculpt, paint and TT. They might even be less quality, coming with sculpted pouches (rather than cloth), sub par guns, etc. There'd definitely be a trade off with the most devastating being HT's ADD when it comes to a license.
It's a real shame about the breakage as it's gotta be be my favorite 1/6 body type. Though were the Enterbay BBL bodies a little taller/bigger and not so tan (i.e. more universal) they'd be my ideal buck of choice.
I've never had any HT joint just break on me.

I'm not barbaric when it comes to pegs so I haven't had the wrist peg issue. However, I've had the right knee post snap clean off the thigh by simply putting on boots. Didn't have this problem with the regular TrueTypes. Just the Narrow Shouldered, Slim and TTAs.
Well I'll reserve judgment until I get him in hand. Hopefully I wont' be disappointed.
