The Official AVP-R Debate Thread

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Did You Like AVP-R or Not

  • I Liked It

    Votes: 25 35.2%
  • I Hated It

    Votes: 16 22.5%
  • 50/50 i liked it and i hated it at the same time

    Votes: 30 42.3%

  • Total voters
This one of many articles I have seen......

Third 'AVP'? Really?
Even $41 million speaks loudly
By: Brad Brevet | Monday, March 10, 2008
With an unreported budget, Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem must not have cost all that much to make since its box-office take of a meager $41 million seems to have inspired 20th Century Fox to prepare to move forward with a third, and most likely final, installment in the franchise.

An anonymous tip apparently came into Shock Til You Drop over the weekend from an inside source saying a third film was a "certainty". My assumptin is that Fox is planning on a big take come the April 15th DVD and Blu-ray release of AVP:R or they wouldn't be so eager to drop hints, and I have no reason to believe STYD's source isn't legit.

The site points out that the Strause brothers, who directed AVP:R, hinted that a third film would take place in space based on how the second flick ended. Having not seen the second film yet since it was apparently so bad Fox wouldn't even show it to critics I can't tell you how that plays out, but I am sure several of you are better informed having been duped into checking out a film that it seemed no one really enjoyed.

There is no word on whether or not the brothers are returning for the third or who is writing the script after Shane Salerno penned the second installment.
If there is a 3rd they better come up with a solid story line
and some recognised actors who clearly know how to act.
It would kill me to see another AVP-R.
One can only hope, that if it is that last film, they give it a good budget, a good director, and at least ONE good leading actor/actress. That excludes current wrestlers (see John Cena rumors that were talked about 2 years ago about remaking Predator), and former wrestlers.

Yeah, I'm looking at you Dwayne "Rock" Johnson.
haha i ditched Dance Training.. so tired, poor kids will miss me :lol they'll get over it

The Rock would be a good mane character.. although i was disappointed in Doom
If the Rock played a guy who had a face off with a Pred...

I pray to God he comes up missing his head.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE pro-wrestling, but Christ, I hate the Rock's acting.
i dont mind it.. he has done some crap movies but done good ones to

even with that said... hes the modern day Arnie
If the Rock played a guy who had a face off with a Pred...

I pray to God he comes up missing his head.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE pro-wrestling, but Christ, I hate the Rock's acting.

Well if anyone can put up with the junk acting we saw in AVP-R
Im more than happy for the Rock to give it a go.:duh
dammit people the last thing we need to see is a pred being given the 'Rock Bottom'
No it MIGHT be set in space because its not even being considered at this point.

im sure they will make another to many $$$$$ up for grabs. i kind of hope they do to try to heal the burn that AVPR left. get some good directors behind it and the movie will be a :lol:lol
mark my words! they will make an AVP3!!!! I just hope it is a LOT better than avp1.
the third film should be an all out war between the two sides....clan vs hive, elder vs queen etc etc
mark my words! they will make an AVP3!!!! I just hope it is a LOT better than avp1.
the third film should be an all out war between the two sides....clan vs hive, elder vs queen etc etc

you heard it from zoo it must be true
I felt the same way seeing that. Probably, because I have a young son and he was a newborn around the release of the movie. But it did turn me off a little.
Someone made a great point earlier when they said there are no surprises with these franchise monsters anymore. What made them so great was we had never seen anything like them before and it was new. Now, so much has been written and put into movies theres just no new surprises anymore. The 2 movies in the AvP franchise weren't that bad for what they were. Entertainment. When you start reading more into it than there is, is when it starts to fail. Sure there were things in both movies fans of both creatures don't like. But the movies are what they are....Popcorn action flicks. And personally, I love seeing both creatures continue their run.

you know what would be awesome... a predator 3 that would pit two predators against each other, one looking for salvation on earth, the other trying to kill him, a military team, like the first, gets caught in the middle of the battle. that to me, would be a cool thing to see.
im sure they will make another to many $$$$$ up for grabs. i kind of hope they do to try to heal the burn that AVPR left. get some good directors behind it and the movie will be a :lol:lol

I think they should do another stupid attempt like the first two AvP's given that there are enough diehard Alien and Predator fans willing to blank even the worst bull^^^^ (as this poll proves). You deserve nothing else! :peace
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I think they should do another stupid attempt like the first two AvP's given that there are enough diehard Alien and Predator fans willing to blank even the worst bull^^^^ (as this poll proves). You deserve nothing else! :peace

You'll get your sure you go see it! Just like all the other people on here that ^^^^^ and moan about the 2 flicks. :lol
You'll get your sure you go see it! Just like all the other people on here that ^^^^^ and moan about the 2 flicks. :lol

i only moaned about AVPR and with good reason. it was awful even i could have done better but i liked avp. we should just turn this thread into the "i hate the strause brothers thread" k