Super Freak
I try my best not to rush in Search but i don't like keeping back for so long that i'm last alive
Every one in this game is: a camper, A bad player, a Niggr, Wetbag, Mexican, and much more! the same remarks get used over and over!thats why i mute almost everybody.
I guess that's probably the best way to go in the end.
I once got a typed out message from some guy after our team lost in Search saying something to the extent of "Ur a camp3r u sux. wez lost case u sux so much. _____* u."
Astounding what people will do on videogames =\
It just makes you wonder how obsessed someone must be with a game to take the time to send you hate messages, sometimes several days in a row, saying they hate you.
At the end of the day, it's just a game. I can understand getting angry in-game, but leave it there, you know?
But yes, people are stupid.
Lol.. someone did that to me and sent me a message with some pretty offensive name calling and threats. Too bad PSN doesn't have ways to report this the way LIVE does. I just deleted it and blocked them. Sorry, but camping is hiding in a spot the entire match with an M4 or shotgun. I killed this guy from behind a couple times because I run into corners or something while I'm reloading. I guess he didn't like that I killed him and his team so much.
gotta love internet/video game bullies.
yet they don't have the balls in person.
My Top 3 dislikes:
1) Lagging! I just can't stand lagging
2) When Im lining up the perfect one kill shot on my M21 and one of my team stands next to me and gives away my position resulting in a double kill for the enemy!
3) Team speak and general lack of maturity! It's ridiculous when your playing a SD match and one guy with a head set is playing seriosuly with you, yet the others seem to be shouting abuse which I could mute but they also just rush in. Leaving me and the one guy which is ok but if everyone all worked together we could own!![]()
4) Oh you forgot the dicks who listen to music while they play and dont have the decency to mute their mics. which makes you have to mute them in game leading to a possible death.
Lag, noobtubes and the general population of @$$holes that call the MW2 servers home have actually made me stop playing. I can't enjoy a game where your connection speed determines whether you get a kill or not, or how often you die.
Noobtubes, in general, suck every which way but Sunday (and sometimes then, too), and I know a lot of people who wouldn't miss them in the next COD game.
And lastly, the aforementioned rude, lousy players. We've discussed them already so I won't go into it, but they really take away from the gaming experience.