I do agree with some of what Slayer was saying in the video...but its a game and frankly I do have fun with it. Its the 'uber-MW geeks' that feel this game have major problems.
AC-130/Chopper Gunner perks are great, but not everyone plays as well as the person in the video. I once got 15 kills with AC-130, but there are times I get one or two, if the team blows me up or hides well.
Also have to disagree with him in regards to 'perks' that he prefers the COD4 version...I like the pick three and see where it takes you.
I do have to agree with him in regards to Model 1887, man that weapon is straight BS.
I do agree how crappy the Spawning is in COD, my word it just sucks when you spawn and BAM, your dead.
Sniper rifles with .50 cal bullets do need to be stronger, I hate shooting someone with the Intervention and he doesnt die and then he kills me. however, I picture more people would be running around with Interventions/.50 rifles all day and then we would be complaining about that.
Well all in all, he does have some valid points, but I still like this game enough to waste my time playing it...Until the next game.