Super Freak
Haven't played any of the previous COD games so all those maps will be new to me
I'll feel like a n00b running around getting killed
I'm right there with you buddy.
Haven't played any of the previous COD games so all those maps will be new to me
I'll feel like a n00b running around getting killed
level 46 on prestige 5, this game rockscould do with a map pack sometime soon though, to freshen things up a bit.
Hell yeah papo!! i level 15 on prestige 5!!!! love having 8 classes now!!!! :chew:chew:chew:chew:chew
This is the only reason I'd like to continue prestiging. I've been a level 70 prestige for a very long time now. Do you get an extra class everytime you prestige?
I think we might be getting DLC within a month or soo thats if they are still bringing it out
quote from Jurassic Park seems apt:
"so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should"