The Official Gears Of War 3 Thread

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to me, the hardest part was just before Dom "saves the day"

there was really no place to take cover as enemies attack from all directions so it got really frustrating
Yeah, that was a pain in the behind. Took me more than a couple attempts to get passed it. At least on insane it did. :lol
I dont mind reading books for extra information, but don't give me 80% of the story in books. That's BS. Needed more answers.
even halo does this though...there are a ton of novels for halo telling the story while the game barely scratches the surface of all the back story (until reach came out)...but even then, there is so much more to it than what is in the games...

Gears is no different. Its a shooter with a great background story. They tell a good amount of story in the game but to tell EVERYTHING the game would have to have a 25 hour campaign

Plus, if they told every little detail in the first three, they could never do anything else. They had to leave us wanting more. Any good story teller does just that
Just seen a level 100 online. It shows a badge instead of the number like Gears 2. Don't know how he's managed that already. :google
Halo's story has a beginning, a middle, and an end.

You could read more to get more information...but you don't need to. Reach was never a plot point, but an event. Something they told you about, but you didn't need to see. However, if you wanted to know what went down, read that awesome book. And there ya go.

Gears, I had no idea what was going on. I forgot the last two games, but that was never an issue before.

I dunno...I think the EU stuff should be that...EXTENDED universe. Not UNIVERSE.

The ending itself was satisfying, but it left me with a lot of questions. Ah well. Still a good game. I would put Halo 3 over it just for story wise. But that's me.
Just seen a level 100 online. It shows a badge instead of the number like Gears 2. Don't know how he's managed that already. :google

Damn! I'm at 55 and I thought I had been playing a lot. :lol

Halo's story has a beginning, a middle, and an end.

Gears, I had no idea what was going on. I forgot the last two games, but that was never an issue before.

So does Gears. Gears 1= Locust Arrive, Gears 2=Sinking of Jacinto, Gears 3=The end of the locust/lambent and the survival of man.

Then thats on you not the story telling because it was quite simple. They tell you whats going on and if you want to know more you can read the books/comics.
Damn! I'm at 55 and I thought I had been playing a lot. :lol

So does Gears. Gears 1= Locust Arrive, Gears 2=Sinking of Jacinto, Gears 3=The end of the locust/lambent and the survival of man.

Then thats on you not the story telling because it was quite simple. They tell you whats going on and if you want to know more you can read the books/comics.

I guess the problem for me is, while I love to read, I dont consider that to be canon. It just gets all wacky sometimes.

But still...since that idiot Quiggle blabbed about the connection between Marcus, and the Queen, I figured it was true...and then it wasn't. So i'm lost again....

Did they ever explain how this was basicly Earth 2? And that the human race came to this planet to rebuild, but they didn't know about the actual inhabitants? Or was that all in my head?

I felt bad for the Locust. If what I said was true....
I guess the problem for me is, while I love to read, I dont consider that to be canon. It just gets all wacky sometimes.

But still...since that idiot Quiggle blabbed about the connection between Marcus, and the Queen, I figured it was true...and then it wasn't. So i'm lost again....

Did they ever explain how this was basicly Earth 2? And that the human race came to this planet to rebuild, but they didn't know about the actual inhabitants? Or was that all in my head?

I felt bad for the Locust. If what I said was true....

The thing is the books are canon. So its something you have to deal with if you're a fan of this series. These books unlike Star Wars isn't confusing at all it all flows pretty seamlessly

Quiggle was just trying to get a rise out of people.

Its not earth 2. Nothing has ever been mentioned anything like that at all.