The Official Gears Of War 3 Thread

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I know :1-1:

Is Beast mode Horde just as locust instead of Cog?

Sort of but it's only 12 rounds. Quite easy really , I managed to get the onyx medal the second time playing it. I'm a little disappointed it wasn't more of a challenge. 50 rounds of that would have been great.
Plus with 12 rounds once you've unlocked the bigger locust like the berserker you don't get much time to play as them.
I need some peeps here to help me finish campaign on casual arcade co-op that I will host with mutators instagib, super reload and infinite ammo on. thanks.
Does anyone here have the Life-size Retro Lancer replica? There is a Gamestop here that still has one and I was thinking about picking it up. Thoughts?

Went to the midnight release and a bunch of people got one....they are nice, but are a LOT bigger then I thought it was going to be. The things just massive....

.....that's what she said
Does anyone here have the Life-size Retro Lancer replica? There is a Gamestop here that still has one and I was thinking about picking it up. Thoughts?

yes I have it and it is well worth it you have to get 200 regular kills with it before it unlocks
I'm working on the medal to play as a female so many times. I wish there were more locust females. It's getting a bit boring playing as the queen every time. Bernie is coming but again , she's cog.

You can be a Berserker in Beast Mode. ;) :D

Does anyone here have the Life-size Retro Lancer replica? There is a Gamestop here that still has one and I was thinking about picking it up. Thoughts?

I have it, it's bigger than the regular lancer and not as cleanly painted. By that I mean I think the paint apps on the regular lancer seem higher end. But I think they were going after the weathered look with the retro. Although the blood on the bayonette of the retro is more realistic than on the chainsaw of the regular lancer.
bump, I still need help with completing Arcade casual with mutators infinite ammo, super reload and instagib - still can't get past the mines thanks!
Casual? Seriously?

yes, Casual let me know if you want to join, and don't try to tease with Seriously as I'm still trying to get the first Onyx medal by boosting repairing turrents, what are there like 60 medales we have to get?
you said Seriously that's level 100 plus all onyx medals, I'm working on campaign now and will deal with that later.
right because some peeps who joined the game left and wrote to me saying they were offended I am using mutators to cheapen the difficulty

also I purchased the green skin gun on Ebay and want to know why can't it be used on campaign?