That depends entirely upon the car. You can get about any car fixed nicely for about 10 grand. If the car is worth a lot more restored, it is worth it. However, in my mind, no NEW car should look as bad as this statue does. This paint job makes this a $350 statue, IMO. Really nice paint requires a lot of craftsmanship. It really is an art that requires very skilled labor and time. IF it was perfect, then this statue would we worth 2K. I expect a 2K statue like this to have Rolls Royce, Bentley, Maybach, Bugatti, or at least Aston Martin fit and finish. THOSE cars have fit and finish at the level of art. THIS statue is finished like a used car fixed with bondo, and sprayed at a one day paint shop. It's unacceptable, and CERTAINLY doesn't qualify as ART at THIS level of quality. Like I said when I saw the proto pics, I saw serious paint flaws, with major orange peel, and parts where it was painted too dry, like a misting effect. Maybe someone doesn't know how to paint things art the factory. FIRST, you paint the nooks and crannies, by giving them one complete coat. Then, you paint the rest of the piece. I could do a 6 times better job than this on paint.