The OFFICIAL Spooktacular 2007 thread!

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DARN IT, I really wanted that freebie, I had it in my checkout, but didn't know where to apply the code fast enough...! I'm a huge fan of the show too, so I knew exactly who they were talking about, I even have the theme song as my ringtone! GRRRRRRRRRR.... :monkey4
I totally spaced on this one, even though I had seen these busts earlier on the site. But I've never heard of the show, so it's probably best that I didn't get them.
i had the code also, went to the cart .....(i guess you enter it into the e-coupon box after you hit purchase..???? am i right?)......then said product not available.:monkey2
I'm loving Spookacular right now....I've won Vamp Buffy, Willow, Orc Helm, Electric Tiki busts and got an Angelous for only $7.00 with my Endor Trooper GC. Not to mention my orders for both Shaun and Ed and a new Jason tomorrow? Lovin' it.
i had the code also, went to the cart .....(i guess you enter it into the e-coupon box after you hit purchase..???? am i right?)......then said product not available.:monkey2

Yes, that's correct. This one went pretty quick. Chris didn't even finish posting all of the clues. They were gone by the 4th clue...
BTW, if anyone wants any $10 GC's that start with GE3, let me know. I have no idea where they came from. I dont remember. But I have a bunch... PM me, in case I get behind in this thread again...
I'm loving Spookacular right now....I've won Vamp Buffy, Willow, Orc Helm, Electric Tiki busts and got an Angelous for only $7.00 with my Endor Trooper GC. Not to mention my orders for both Shaun and Ed and a new Jason tomorrow? Lovin' it.

It's definitely my best Spooktacular since I was a newbie last year! Too bad I start work again tomorrow:monkey2
Dang, I go to eat dinner and miss these... Booooooo. I am having a crappy Spooktacular so far. :(
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DARN IT, I really wanted that freebie, I had it in my checkout, but didn't know where to apply the code fast enough...! I'm a huge fan of the show too, so I knew exactly who they were talking about, I even have the theme song as my ringtone! GRRRRRRRRRR.... :monkey4

Ouch! That really does suck...

The code goes on the order veririfcation page on the bottom right in the "ecoupon code" box. I copy the code from the product page and paste it into that box, hit the apply button and doble check the code worked before hitting Enter Order or what ever that buttonis called a the bottom of the page.
I received the Drake statue (I ordered last Thursday) this afternoon.

It totally ROCKS!

He stands 18" tall and weighs quite a bit--the total weight of the box is 16 lbs!

Unfortunately, I leave too early in the a.m. and return too late (at dusk) so I can't take a decent pic of him without the flash.

I love Spooktacular discounts. He's well worth the $.
Man, I have to call shenanigans on that Electric Tiki giveaway... I clicked on the bust set and got an error/page not found message two times. So I then started going through the rest of the Tiki items... then I came back to the bust set and got a screen with the free item. But at checkout it was too late.

If the page had worked the first time I probably would have scored one :monkey2:monkey2 To be so close, yet so far from a freebie is painful :D

So The recently revealed Jason Polystone Scream Scene is the last Polystone product.

This means one 12" per day most likely for the last 3 days. This probably means because there are five "others" it'll be three offerings with two that have exclusives like the Saw puppets....predictions?
Wonder if the Ex 560 will take one of the remaining 3 slots after he sells out? That would then leave only 2 1/6 figures.

Don't really care about the vinyl and other category... I don't collect that stuff.