The OFFICIAL Spooktacular 2007 thread!

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wonder if there are going to be any more contests tonight, its been pretty slow for the past three hours.

Three hours, there has been one thing since 2pm SS time that was WOD when Dennis popped in for about 5 minutes. I dont count the newsletter since get that every thursday.
i wish they had more contests at night because i don't have time to do much during the day while i'm at work.
I would like to thanks mfoga for VERY GEREROUSLY providing his $50 GC for my LAM purchase.

That was just VERY VERY AWESOME of you,.
I don't think they would have two videos for one figure... Darkman license announcement and a different 12" figure (hopefully The Dead) would be my bet.

There is a Kit Fisto Contest up... pretty easy, but only one will be given away.
I would like to thanks mfoga for VERY GEREROUSLY providing his $50 GC for my LAM purchase.

That was just VERY VERY AWESOME of you,.

Kongrats Pixletwin on getting the LAM and that was very cool of mfoga to help you out!!! :rock :rock :rock :rock
Well, it's almost over, trying for the Kit Fisto since it'd be nice to have an extra and if not then he's good Ebay fodder. He's also my favorite figure so.

At least this is something that more people care about, I'm tired of LOTR helms and old Buffy figures, although I would like a Mouth of Sauron helm, but they haven't given that one away so far.
What Vampyre hat?

Sideshow took some extra hats from the Vamprye life size bust and embroidered the Sideshow logo on them and will be giving them away as prizes during Spooktacular. Dusty said they will most likely be runner-up prizes for the photo galleries...
Kit Fisto contest is up! I'm not playing in this one, since I won something but good luck to you guys. You need to listen to the backstage pass video.
I just found the free item from this contest!

Fantastically Fatiguing FREE item Frenzy!
The last day of Spooktacular starts with a bang! Another FREE Item Offer! We are going to give you the coupon code for an item, right here in this post. This coupon code, will only work on a specific item on our website, and it will give you a full discount on the retail price of that item. You will need to add items to your cart and then simply test to see if the code works! BTW - If you are not familiar with our coupon process, you do not need to place an order for the item to see if it works. Simply put the code in the appropriate field on the checkout page, and click the 'apply' button. That will tell you if the code applies to the specific item. Oh yes, that could take hours, but thats the fun of it! So without further delay, the coupon code is...


The fine print is worded kind of strangely and I can't tell if they allow more than one person to get the item or not, so I'm not going to say what it is just yet...
I have tried everything...even put all of the in-stock LOTR products in my cart...nothing there.

There has to be a clue somewhere...maybe in the title of the post or somewhere embedded within the post???
