Broke and happy
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread
I love LOTR
I love Hobbit
I love Josh
I love LOTR
I love Hobbit
I love Josh
I love LOTR
I love Hobbit
I love Josh
I love LOTR
I love Hobbit
I love Josh
This alone is reason enough to be banned forever!
How many full length movies have you seen @ 48 fps?
If I'm not mistaken this won't be a full length film in 48 either will it? Just certain spots? I don't want to click on anything in case I stumble across any spoilers of stuff they've added or changed from the source. If that is the case though this will look like ____ just from transitioning back and forth between the two rates. I hate the dejudder look so if 2D won't be in 48 that'll certainly be my route.
The presentation seemed to make it clear to those present that the entire feature in 3D would be in 48 fps. Did anyone else who read the article get a different impression?
From Bad Ass Digest
...The 48fps footage I saw looked terrible. It looked completely non-cinematic. The sets looked like sets. I've been on sets of movies on the scale of The Hobbit, and sets don't even look like sets when you're on them live... but these looked like sets.
The other comparison I kept coming to, as I was watching the footage, was that it all looked like behind the scenes video. The magical illusion of cinema is stripped away completely.
I think its a little early to say I told you so. My guess is much of what was seen was not finished and once all put together will just work.
I also want to see 48.
Just turn on the smooth motion (dejudder) up to high on your lcd or led tv and you can see the difference now.
I watched Raiders in soap opera mode the other day.
I trust PJ and how he's handling things. I do believe in the end this will look amazing and all this nonsense will be just that nonsense.