Just got back from a midnight showing. To me, it was good but not great. I don't think this movie will achieve that magic feeling the FOTR did. Just a few complaints.
After seeing the trilogy and getting used to some of the creatures, they seemed like they changed their appearance in this film. The warg and the warg riders looked different. The orcs looked different. The goblins looked different. As stated above more comedy than I expected. It was a detriment to me. I thought the CGI in the trilogy looked better than what's in The Hobbit. In The Two Towers the main bad orc looked real. The wargs looked real. In The Hobbit the main bad orc looks totally CGI as do the wargs. I haven't read The Hobbit in a long time so I don't remember how the dwarves are described but some of them just seemed like a bad caricature you would buy at an amusement park IMHO this will be a popular film but not as popular as FOTR.
Movie was fantastic.
Star Trek preview was fantastic.
And the 4 set movie posters they handed out afterwards made it all that much sweeter.
Just got back from a midnight showing. To me, it was good but not great. I don't think this movie will achieve that magic feeling the FOTR did. Just a few complaints.
After seeing the trilogy and getting used to some of the creatures, they seemed like they changed their appearance in this film. The warg and the warg riders looked different. The orcs looked different. The goblins looked different. As stated above more comedy than I expected. It was a detriment to me. I thought the CGI in the trilogy looked better than what's in The Hobbit. In The Two Towers the main bad orc looked real. The wargs looked real. In The Hobbit the main bad orc looks totally CGI as do the wargs. I haven't read The Hobbit in a long time so I don't remember how the dwarves are described but some of them just seemed like a bad caricature you would buy at an amusement park IMHO this will be a popular film but not as popular as FOTR.
The only thing I got was green Hobbit 3D glasses.
I'll keep the movie review simple. I liked it. It was fun. I had a good time.
The HFR. Holy ****ing ****. Ugliest movie I've ever seen in my entire life. Everything about the format is awful. It really does look like those TV's at best buy.
I can't say enough bad things about it. So I will!
It sucked worse then anything ever filmed. It looks like a cheap BBC production. It made everything look fake. Everyone moved like they were on crack. Every single time someone acted with anything other then their face, it looked jerky and unnatural. The action was harder to follow then any of the Transformers movies. It didn't help with the 3D in any way shape or form. It made the CGI look like a video game. It's the single most disgusting, revolting form of filmmaking I've ever seen. Peter Jackson should be ashamed of himself for even attempting it.
That being said, I'm glad I saw it with my eyes. If more movies end up using this technology, i'll stop watching forever.
I do want to see it again. I really do. I loved most of the movie. Dragged a few times, but the action scenes were, in theory, well done. I just wish I could make out what the hell was going on. So damn jerky and fast.
It was beyond distracting. I'd get sucked into the film, and BAM, taken out again.
Movie- 7 maybe an 8 out 10.
HFR- Van down by the ****ing river.![]()
I put spoilers if you didn't want to hear me ***** about how horrible in every single possible way HFR is. It's the possible death of cinema. It's that bad.
If it is that bad I don't think you should put the spoilers, people need to know it is that bad
Isn't all the Avatar sequels going to be made that way? Jesus, what if they make all movies that way? what if this is the future?