the OFFICIALLY sanctioned Spooktacular thread! All other threads bow before me!

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im not giving up, i have the worst luck, the second i sign off they will give away a bronze gandalf to the first person who smokes marlboro mediums while drinking cheap gin mixed with canada dry sitting in a broken ikea chair watching his bro and his friends play halo 2 online while waiting for his girlfriend to get out of the shower and that guy would be me lol
Calle_Sandell said:
I just know that the moment I leave they will have a huge give-away!

:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl

Yeah, thats the truth. I'll wake up, log on and find out they gave away a Gray Hulk vs Spidey 2 minutes after I loged off. It never fails!
me either I haven't found one banner yet... (it ticks me off) but I'm not giving up.. yet.
it looks like the ss employees will be making some overtime today, id be happy if i worked there. ot rules
I've just been leaving the main page open and as the ads pass by, they eventually land on a "Congratulations" ad. Which leads to Van Helsing. Again. And again. And again. And etc.

- J!
i fefuse to belive that only gramps monster and that anime chick are the only ones revealed today, c'mon sideshow, show me the PF's :cool:
im buzzed and i think i got a contact high from my friends..i hope not cause ive got a test coming up lol
I bet they're saving the biggest for Tuesday. I also think some of those other items will be from the new lines they announced. Something tells me we're going to get something from the Corpse Bride.

Dusty said they were off on weekends so I wonder if we'll get anything new and exciting or have to wait until Monday?
What does it mean when you come across a banner that says congragulations you are a spooky spectaular winner. I clicked on it and it took me to another webpage. I stupid what do I do?
thats what I was thinking. But I'm sure there still will be surprizes ... not that it'll do me any good since my computer doesn't allow the magic banners for some reason!:confused:
been clicking on the ghost for 15 minutes or so, keeps taking me back to Frankestein Bust from Van Helsing, think they need to reboot!
