the OFFICIALLY sanctioned Spooktacular thread! All other threads bow before me!

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SideshowDusty said:
I spent 2 hours trying to do make-up, failed horribly, and just went as myself :lol

I really hate makeup! And time!
Aw! I was hoping you'd go as a pirate. At least that's what I imagined. :monkey3
My 2 year old daughter went to a kiddie event at the Burbank library dressed as a pirate and got a huge picture of herself in the newspaper yesterday. Grandma was thrilled.

Proud papa! :D
"I Dream of Dusty"... maybe I should pitch that as a TV show.....

Now THAT would be Spooktacular!
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SideshowDusty said:
I spent 2 hours trying to do make-up, failed horribly, and just went as myself :lol

I really hate makeup! And time!

Dusty, make up is your friend. :p
Darth Loki said:
Dusty, make up is your friend. :p

Not mine! I hate spending time trying to apply it (any type of it actually) - I'd rather be out having fun rather than spending so much time getting ready! I feel the same way about cooking. So I eat a lot of pre-made food... it may be more expensive, but I believe that time is money :) There's so many more things that I'd rather do with my limited time on this earth (there's that dratted time again) than cooking or applying make-up! Like giving away free stuff to Sideshow collectors for instance ;)

Oh, and I already posted a pic of my pirate costume:

I'll probably wear that for the Sideshow Halloween party Tuesday afternoon.
my dilemma is that i want to save some money for monday and tuesday, im also wishfully thinking that this will be released in a premium format one day . aww man i hate collecting every damn line. i could also use this money for a patient freakin confused lol
Hey Dusty, any chance there'll be a deal on the Jason Goes to Hell figure? I bet I've refreshed that page ten thousand times since the spooktacular if the page happens to break it's my fault.:monkey3
Rockabilly said:
Hey Dusty, any chance there'll be a deal on the Jason Goes to Hell figure? I bet I've refreshed that page ten thousand times since the spooktacular if the page happens to break it's my fault.:monkey3
ive been doing the same thing lol
SideshowDusty said:
Oh, and I already posted a pic of my pirate costume:

I'll probably wear that for the Sideshow Halloween party Tuesday afternoon.

Re-costuming (for different years) is never a good move. I'm pretty sure Miss Etiquette wrote something about it being against the law.

Always gotta wear a new costume... even if it sucks, because at least you tried. At the very least you could paint your face white and go as a ghost pirate.
I re-hash costumes if I can't afford anything. I'll take half of one and mix it with something else. Kinda "ghetto" but I mean sometimes you don't have the time or money.
SideshowDusty said:
I spent 2 hours trying to do make-up, failed horribly, and just went as myself :lol

I really hate makeup! And time!

You should have gone as DNagent , no one knows
what it looks like.