the OFFICIALLY sanctioned Spooktacular thread! All other threads bow before me!

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yeah i dont really want the sse figure so i kind of enjoyed taking the wild guess. i hope a freak wins this also
devlinboy said:
yeah i dont really want the sse figure so i kind of enjoyed taking the wild guess. i hope a freak wins this also

I was actually surprised by the answer. I am a huge Universal Horror fan and have seen the movies many, many, many times and it just never occured to me before. I will have to watch the movie again tonight to verify what I found. :monkey5
lcummins said:
I was actually surprised by the answer. I am a huge Universal Horror fan and have seen the movies many, many, many times and it just never occured to me before. I will have to watch the movie again tonight to verify what I found. :monkey5

I'm exactly the same Lonnie. I guess I was always caught up in the film I never noticed.

Actually pretty excited about this contest, wouldn't mind winning a SSE version Wolfman if I can get that lucky.:chew
Curse google! I watched this with the family last night and knew the answer right away.

It doesn't matter though, because even without google, one of you guys would post a clue to the answer here anyway :toilet_cl

Yeah, I'm stingy, selfish, whatever, but during Spooktacular it's every man for himself!
Collector Freak said:
But it's about a third of the figure price.

You can always wait until the deal ends and buy it at full price for $50 then the $7 shipping is only about 14% of the price :rotfl
The Pinhead is unreal too. So is the Sideshow Superman one... and the One Ring one with Gollum... and Oh God, there's a ton of great ones!
SideshowDusty said:
Not mine! I hate spending time trying to apply it (any type of it actually) - I'd rather be out having fun rather than spending so much time getting ready! I feel the same way about cooking. So I eat a lot of pre-made food... it may be more expensive, but I believe that time is money :) There's so many more things that I'd rather do with my limited time on this earth (there's that dratted time again) than cooking or applying make-up! Like giving away free stuff to Sideshow collectors for instance ;)

Oh, and I already posted a pic of my pirate costume:

I'll probably wear that for the Sideshow Halloween party Tuesday afternoon.

I was only teasing you. But I agree. I hate cooking for just one. Seems like a waste of time.

And natural beauty is infinately better than manufactured beauty. That's why I broke up with my last girlfriend. :monkey5

I'm joking of course.
wofford29 said:
so if I enter and win this, does that mean I can't win the Jason PF from the Freddypillar contest?

Nope, from what I understand you are free to win anything you win. No rules against multiple wins.
Madden...that's not entirely true. Under the contest winners section it states you can only win 1 daily prize and 1 big prize (scavenger or photo contests)

What is unlimited is winning free stuff through the banners in which you pay for shipping.
madden821 said:
Nope, from what I understand you are free to win anything you win. No rules against multiple wins.

Actually, in the Spook contests there are. I addressed this question yesterday. On the winners page it goes into detail:

But I clarified that if your name happened to come up in another contest as a winner, and you'd already won something else, we could figure out a way to have you pick which one you'd like to keep, and award the other one to someone else. Chances are that your name, if it ever comes up, would only come up once though, as each contest so far has had over 200 correct entries from which a name is pulled randomly. So if you win anything, you are super lucky :)
Dusty, if I'm not mistaken, didn't you say they'd announce the winners of the podcast for the Subject 5 today? If so, do you have any clue as to when.
Oh, and a win in one of the Mistress contests does not keep you from winning one of the event-long contests: Scavenger Hunt, Pumpkin Carving, or collector/costume photos submissions! :duff