Something Sexy
Super Freak
Here is my perception of the sales of the Buffy PF line...
Sold well
Buffy (exclusive and regular)
Alternate Buffy
Spike (exclusive)
Angel (exclusive)
Did not sell as well
Spike (regular)
Angel (regular)
The line started really strong, but then fizzled with slow sales of the regular editions of Spike and Angel. In my opinion, sales of those two figures would have been better if the vampire change-o-heads had been standard for BOTH the regular and exclusive editions. The exclusives could have had bloody mouths on the vampire heads or something or other.
I don't blame Sideshow for ending the line. I doubt other characters would have sold well. I always thought that a PF Ubervamp would have been awesome though.
I think we will all agree to this for the most part. Although Angel regular sold a lot better than Spike since you can easily still get a Spike. Regular Angel pops up on ebay maybe once every 3 to 4 months and that is a big maybe.