Key word being fan I suppose. Some people eat, drink and sleep Predator.
I'll say it again, City Hunter is an incredible design.
Yeah and You would think Hollywood (or Fox in this case) would have made at least 5 movies of predator, or something, but Noooo.. We barely got 2 movies only... i mean with so many fans and such a huge, Huge backstory and everything,
sometimes i really think the dumbest people on the planet work for Hollywood,

seriously, there are franchises that get 4,5 6, 10 movies, we barely have anything Predator, (i dont like the comic books really, i prefer the movies)
but yeah, so many fans of predator yet, so little predator stuff out there, How Does that Make any sense, How? i really do not get it
(sorry, this is something I have felt for movies I love that get no love from the industry lol)