I seem to recall giving a very clear explanation of what that means, because words dont have meanin of thwir own apparently.
Ever occured to you that I dont answer you straight because you dont even try to answer your own questions?
Is it really that hard to imagine a predator movie without garden variety ancient astronaut crap?
Ib4 u dont answer cuz u dont kno. Im surprised no one has thrown this at me yet.
Im not the one crapping on every movie since predator 1.
Im not the one saying that every exploration of the predator culture sucks.
Im not the one that gets triggered by the term yautja

You always have problems with how they try to expand on the predator so im curious on how you would handle a new pred movie that doesnt touch their backstory.
So, again, if a new movie cannot explore the pred backstory..... how, would you, do, a new story?
If you cant think of anything besides a remake then thats that.