Could have been worse. They could have been a team of "BAD-ASS STRONK WOMYN".
I don't see how this is any different when they look to be suffering from soy poisoning and all shop at the Gap.
Could have been worse. They could have been a team of "BAD-ASS STRONK WOMYN".
I think that's the wrong way to support the franchise.I'll go to see it just to support the franchise in the hope that one day something magical might happen.
I refuse to believe that a kid messing around with a predator remote is what brings the Predators back to Earth. Here’s to hoping it’s just editing for the trailer to make us all believe this.
This might be worse than the pizza boy needing to go into the sewers to find his keys only to be met with Aliens.
I refuse to believe that a kid messing around with a predator remote is what brings the Predators back to Earth.
Just editing. Remember the script. He activated it by pressing something which triggered the super-predator who then comes to Earth to kill the one from the begining of the movie.I thought it would be a stupid parallel edit, not the actual reason, if it is, then more laffs I guess.
Yes. They're good with bug-like creatures and that's it.Are they the same group that did the FX for the Thing prequel and their work got canned?
Yes. They're good with with bug-like creatures and that's it.
They also did Tremors and X-Files movies.
Just be glad they didn't show the entire movie in one trailer.what the...